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The Coloured Wind

The Coloured Wind is a cult of dragons formed by the Scaled Tyrant herself. They fall under the Chromatic dragons, which are a type of dragon distinguishable typically by a solid, non-reflective colouring of their scales, hence the name. They are generally evil, greedy, and predatory, and usually worship Tiamat, whom they regard as their queen. From beyond the Devine Gate, Tiamat instructs her lieutenants Aluak, Dirgunet, Urrig, Ravrox and Greika to exact her influence and will upon Theraxis. The Coloured Wind refers to these dragons specifically, their followers are divided into several cults that answer to the Dragons. These cults have their own names and people associated with them, some are more militaristic others just exist as worshipping their respected dragon and through them Tiamat.

The Cult of Aluak

The Baron of the Blaze is ruthless, he demands the utmost devotion from his followers. He despises humans, elves, dwarves etc, he feels preference for the Dragonborn, the armies of the Coloured wind are mostly built with red Dragonborn as they are the most common chromatic Dragonborn. He cares most for followers who are representative of Dragon-kin. Aluak is a Red Greatwyrm, he is the largest of his kind, larger than his companions, because of that, he is the leader of The Coloured Wind. His scales are deep red with maroon spikes, his eyes are bright orange burning with anger. His teeth are sharp, his claws can cut down walls and his breath is so hot it can melt the strongest metal. In some cultures of Theraxis, the name Aluak has become a curse most foul. People are afraid of dragons, but they are terrified of Aluak.

The sect of the Shadow

Many near the islands of the Serpents bay believe they've seen Dirgunet. The Shadow, as he is often called, favours the marshlands as most black dragons do. Other scholars believe that Dirgunet moved to the rather uncharted south of Achra Zarkan. Where Aluak is ruthless and strong Dirgunet is cruel and cunning. Dirgunet prefers to stay hidden, thus being given the moniker The Shadow. Due to being very secretive, Dirgunets part of the dragon cult is the smallest. The Black Greatwyrm was in charge of secrets and knowledge. Dirgunets scales are Black like coal, his horns look as if made by Onyx. His claws sharp like obsidian can cut down the toughest trees. The Shadows breath stings with the sharpest acid. Encountering Dirgunet is a death sentence by fate itself.  

The Frost Kingdom

  Few actively live in The Frost, but all that do know saying "Anger the nature of the Frost and Urrig comes collecting". Urrig is an Ancient White Dragon that according to legend stays in the northern regions of Theraxis collectively called 'The Frost'. The White Death of the North hunts the frozen wastes for food and travellers who come for glory. Urrig is the smallest of the leaders of the Coloured wind, however, they are keen of mind, being able to remember who wronged them for centuries. Urrig has scales like fresh snowfall and the inside skin of their wings and fins are icy blue. Their breath can freeze any who dare get too close, the people who survived Urrigs breath speak of burning cold. Frozen death awaits those who enter the Frost on bad terms.

The Seekers of Knowing

Those who travel through the Gray mountains of Losaria to and from Vildrun know of the tales and legends associated with dragons. From the attack of the Coloured wind, the sudden disbandment of the dragon cult caused the dragons to scatter. Ravrox fled west of Iropolis into the caverns of the Gray mountains. Ravrox, much like Dirgunet, loves secrets and knowledge, her love for knowledge is what gave her the title The Ravenous, an incurable hunger for all of knowing. Her position in the Coloured Wind caused many purveyors of knowledge to join the ranks of the dragon cult in her name. Wizards believed the Green Greatwyrms lifespan might promise ancient knowledge and spells. Ravrox has scales like emeralds, yellow eyes that peer for all details. She has claws as sharp as mithril blades and her bites gnash with enormous strength. The Knowledge Seeker has a breath most foul, she will breathe a noxious poison gas, survives are never the same feeling as if their minds had been tampered with.

The Order of Storms

  During the time before the attack on Iropolis, Greika could be seen flying over the roads and desert towns of Achra-Zarkan. She then withdrew from the Golden dunes, the Narrow Badlands and the Scorching Expanse to join her obligations at the Coloured Wind. Blue Dragons are less ruthless, which is why she wasn't chased out of Achra-Zarkan. When Qi'raia came to Iropolis to banish Aluak into the Ruby, Greika was away back to her home on some business. The Lightningcaller was never seen or heard from again. The disappearance of Greika was a catalyst for the remaining members to suspend operations as the Coloures Wind. Greika had scales deep blue like Lapis Lazuli. Her horns and claws were like brass and sharp as a thorn always crackling with lightning. Stormwings breath was a large beam of lightning and was able to produce a powerful blast of energy that would surge through an enemy. People still wonder where the Lightningcaller went.


Chromatic dragons are a type of dragon distinguished typically by a solid, non-reflective colouring of their scales, hence the name. They are generally evil, greedy, and predatory, and usually worship Tiamat, whom they regard as their queen. The dragons are quite hierarchal in nature and follow a rigid power structure.
  • In charge is Aluak, the largest and most powerful of the Cult. Aluak was the chosen leader by Tiamat. He feels kin to the Red Dragonborn who are the most common in the world
  • Second-in-command was Greika, her power over the blue Dragonborn which are the second most common in Theraxis and stopped following the Coloured wind after her disappearance.
  • Master of Knowledge and the arcane, a skilled magic user herself, is Ravrox. After the attack on Iropolis, she was in charge of the dragon cult. it was her choice to disband the cult for the time being.
  • Master of secrets and torture was the foulest and cruel, Dirgunet. After Aluaks banishment and Greika's disappearance was named second in command.
  • The Frost King does not care for the politics of the cult. They believe their influence in the cult is fruitless and retreat to the Frost once the attacks were over. On occasion, the followers of Urrig search for them to ask for guidance in life. Urrig feels pity for the white Dragonborn and obliges. Their neutral state rubs of on their followers who have let go of their zealous ways.
Ranks to military members (Lowest to Highest): Armsman, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, General. Ranks to Clergy (lowest to highest): acolyte, Whisperer, priest, high priest, Dragontalker, Draconic Prophet

Public Agenda

The goal of the Coloured wind is to dominate the known and unknown world. They move to corrupt the various creatures of draconic origin to do their bidding, they plan to take over the lands of men, elves, dwarves and all other humanoid races. They believed themselves to be ready for a violent takeover when they attacked Iropolis in 419. After their defeat the cult was put on hold, large endeavours were not able to be completed and the cult splintered into smaller sects that continue the plans and ideas of the cult.


The Coloured Wind is a violent organisation. The Military part of the cult knows many paladins, clerics, mages, sorcerers and other devout followers of the Dragons and the Dragon Goddess.
  • Armsman
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • General
Infantrymen are outfitted with a general set of armour, a polearm of some sort (be it a glaive, spear, halbert etc.), a shield and a sidearm, this can be a sword, battle axe or war hammer.

Apart from users of the blade, Ravrox encourages those with the magical power to join the ranks. Mages of all races are welcome but the cult prefers those of a draconic bloodline. The only Humanoid people in the ranks are those who are born with draconic blood or those who are willing to devote themselves to the Scaled Tyrant.

  Apart from infantry the cult, during the time of its military prowess, also had 2 types of cavalry.
  • Light, a member of the light cavalry will be found riding atop a warhorse adorned with armour. The Cavalrymen are equipped with various types of weapons and a riding bow or light crossbow.

  • Heavy, a cultist who is part of the heavy cavalry will be found sitting atop a drake. A creature that is family to the dragons but without wings and acts much like a dire wolf. The soldiers in the heavy cavalry are equipped with heavy crossbows and a short sword. Cavalrymen who have grown close to their Drake know a command that will make their mount use their breath weapon.

  The Troops of the Cult mostly join their draconic masters in their lairs. There are some castles that used to cater to the Coloured wind.


Short History

The Coloured Wind is a cult of dragons formed by the Scaled Tyrant herself. A thousand years before Tiamats banishment the 5 oldest of the chromatic dragons were called to form an alliance. 87 years before the Divergence during the attack on Avga Potamia dragons were essential for air support. Dragons were notoriously absent during the final confrontation at Umbrathal. Scholars believe that Tiamat had sent the Coloured wind to deal with the metallic dragons of Bahamut. Beyond the Divine gate, Tiamat sends her lieutenant instructions on her plans for the world. The Coloured Wind refers to these dragons specifically, their followers are divided into several cults that answer to the Dragons, during the Cataclysm the Dragons were arrogant and viewed Dragonborns and Kobolds as inferior, which is why these races were not involved during the events of the Cataclysm. During the lifetime of the Losarian empire, in 419 PD, The Coloured wind attacked Iropolis to weaken and take over the continent. Aluak retreated to the Mountains of Iropolis as legions of Dragonborn soldiers, dragon-cultists and Kobolds landed on the shores to take the continent by storm. The Elves of Vildrun together with the Drow of Moonscar banded their magics together as means of survival, this would be known as the Night of elven redemption. Vildrun would be safe for now as the Coloured Wind focussed on moving their troops throughout the Empire. Mages of Ozomia and Trodworth banded together to stop the dragon cult from taking hold of the Losarian province. They prepared a ritual to seal the red Dragon leader Aluak somewhere. A small task force led by future archmage Qi'raia Noven of Kethassia managed to enter Iropolis, confront Aluak in the palace and seal him in a crystal. These adventurers took the Ruby and hid it in an undisclosed location.   Many Cultists have tried to find the Ruby of the Blaze and for long believed it to have been sealed in the vault of Vrutirith, Volcano of the Ashen Lands. After 4 centuries the existence of the ruby was all but forgotten, the numbers and followers of the dragon cult have dwindled, few loyal followers remain. The other lieutenants disappeared, sometimes people say they've seen glimpses of these legendary dragons but those sightings get waved away as hearsay or these dragons are seen as smaller variants of the one they saw.   In 812PD a sect of the dragon cult believed that they found the location of the Ruby, after years of relentless research they believed the location of this long lost artefact to be the Island of Eros. Pretending to be excavators for archaeological studies, the cultists staged a violent takeover of a local mining operation. After months of excavating somewhere in Mithusar, they found chambres of riddles, after completing these rituals they found the inside, the magma chamber. This chamber was large with 5 giant pillars rising from the magma 30 feet below the central pillar is larger and connects to 5 tunnels floating there was a giant Ruby. Over the next 2 months, the cultists would take villagers and sacrifice them to try and free the Ancient Red Dragon from his cell. This didn't seem to work until on the 26th of Thunsheer a group of adventurers from the Golden Cloaks branch of Kethas came researching disappearances. They came into the Magma Chamber and destroyed four braziers alit with blue arcane fire, the combination of the destruction of the braziers and the extensive amount of blood caused the Ruby to shake, pulse and shatter. Slowly from the magma came a claw, gripping the side of the magma chamber, then came another doing the same. From the magma rose a giant dragon head, Its eyes bright orange, glowing with rage, the scales were dark red almost maroon unnatural for a red dragon. Aluak, the Baron of the Blaze, Lord of the Coloured wind and right hand of Tiamat had returned to the material plane, ready to gather his forces.

Mythology & Lore

After 419 PD the sects of the Coloured wind that remained believed that Tiamat herself had summoned Aluak and greika to join her side in her layer of the Nine Hells.    The Cult believes that there are portals in places important to the dragons that lead to a realm much like the Feywild but draconic. Its ultimate goal is to find these and join Tiamat in eternal life among their Queen.

Divine Origins

The Dragons of the Coloured Wind start their alliance about a thousand years before the Division. At the behest of Tiamat, the chromatic dragons of the known world were asked to join forces. The Scaled Tyrant requested an alliance of dragons as she was distrustful of the Dragonborn.   The Tenets and rules were made by Tiamat during the EAD and developed over time. They stood the test of time as best they could but were interpreted by many who were interested in following the Wind.

Tenets of Faith

You shall honour the dragons. You shall see justice is done according to Tiamat's will. You shall not stray from the true path of chaos. Though the exact words and strictures of the Oath of Dragons vary, paladins of this oath share the following tenets, with some based on your dragon sovereign.   I shall not bring shame to my sovereign, and I will behave in a way befitting of my status. I will be proud.    I will gather wealth and unique items, both for my endeavours and for my sovereign. Regardless of them calling me greedy. One never has enough riches.   What good is power if it is not used? I shall use my power to advance the goals of my sovereign and myself, and remove those who oppose me


Priesthood is the highest honour anyone in the Coloured wind can achieve. Priests experience a form of favouritism and are given a leading role within the cult. The priesthood is ranked (lowest to highest): 
  • acolyte, lowest of the priests. Acolytes of the Coloured wind are at the beginning of their journey. While they are devout followers they are not given leadership positions, most soldiers are considered acolytes and rarely move to further priesthood.
  • Whisperer, the official term of any priest to a Dark Pact deity. A whisperer is an inducted member of the priesthood and given the lowest military position in possession of power, Lieutenant. 

  • Listener, a higher for to the whisperer. A listener holds power over a Whisperer and can order them and their units to do their bidding. Each temple has one Listener among many Whisperers.

  • Dragontalker, a form of priest that is few and far between. A dragontalker is able to use the knowledge and gifts of Tiamat to arcane ends. These spellcasters use their position in the cult to seek guidance with the dragons and spread these words among the ranks. Dragons are vain creatures and will only answer to a Dragontalker

  • Draconic Prophet. Once every couple of years a Dragonborn wakes with visions of dragons and purpose. These people are deemed Draconic Prophets, they are sought after as valuable members of the cult. They predict the future for the dragons and receive visions from Tiamat. It is rare for a non-Dragonborn to receive draconic visions, but those who are born with draconic blood are capable of becoming Draconic Prophets.

Bleed the World and take the Riches

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Dragoncult
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Dragons attach great value to various things, Gold, Platinum, gems, scrolls of magic, items of great arcane and historic value, the people of the coloured wind trade by bartering, they trade in the oldest way, eye-for-an-eye.
Legislative Body
The Tenets of the Coloured wind are the same as those of Tiamat. The laws of the cult are the laws of Tiamat.
Parent Organization


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