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A city once constructed on the most ancient of astral and celestial ley lines, it is now home to the Arcane academy of the Losarian continent. Trodworth is built around the first settlement upon the discovery of magical power and potential. As time passed the city grew around it and 5 other districts were formed.


Academy Row

The centre of the city and built on the original research camp of the Arcane settlers. The district has a distinct drow architectural style reminiscent of Umbrathal. The centrepiece of the district is Mayoc square, which is flanked by the Headmasters Estate, Yozolro- and Lumaris Libraries, and the Conservatory Offices. The Headmasters Estate is the home of the current Headmaster of the Trodworth Institute. The Lumaris Library is dedicated to the former Headmaster Vitar Lumaris and is the home of the personal collection of the famed mage, the outer wings are still the home of the Lumaris family. The Yozolro Library is a library of famed Magi-zoologist Lomon Yozolro, it contains a plethora of information on creatures and monsters of the Prime material plane and beyond. Lastly the Conservatory offices are home to those who lead the Institute and its campuses across the city.


Looking out over the cliffs and the Gulf beyond them is the district of Southside, it is home to The Hexagon and the Phoenix Observatory. Built when the city became immensely powerful and influential, the Hexagon is the seat of the government. It is a monumental building with space for displaying splendour, ruling the province and teaching the newest generations of magic users. The Hexagon is the general academy where people go to learn about magic or learn about how magic is affecting them. The Phoenix Observatory is one of the many specified Institute faculties. The Observatory is where students can learn about astronomy, mathematics, Metaphysics, and Glyphs and Patterns, the study known as Numeromancy.

The Proving Grounds

Located in the south-east of the city is an area known for The Foundry, The Brushstroke and Dancer's Market, The Proving Grounds. The Foundry is the Institute's Art faculty where magic is studied and used for Elemental Arts. The Foundry explores showy over-the-top-expressions of Magic. The name “The Proving Grounds” refers to one of the forms of magical self-expression, Duelling. A well known Inn and Tavern from the area is The Brushstroke, there the many talents of the student body come to hang out and meet up with fellow Foundry students or other Institute attendees. Meeting at the Brushstroke is a common expression for challenging someone to a duel, these duels are usually fought on the grounds of the Foundry or on Dancer's Market. The market is shaped in an L and contains many products pertaining to arcane arts.


  In the north-east of Trodworth is the studious district of Mythros. Located in the district is Firdas Hall, the Pillar of Records, Teaspring Estate, The Archaenists Café and the Burdenless Bookshop. Firdas Hall is the faculty and lecture hall of Archaeomancy, also known as the study and exploration of ancient things through magic. The Hall attracts those of society who have an interest in the history of the world. The faculty can be visited by non-magic practitioners as they see the pursuit of History to be natural for everyone. The Pillar of Records is the designated Library of Antiquity, the Pillar is home to tomes, scrolls, and artefacts either from or talking about major parts of Theraxian History. The Keepers of the Pillar are aided by the Faded ones in maintaining the collection and is seen as the monastic order's unofficial chapter in the province. The Pillar is visited by people from across the continent who seek answers. The district is also home to the Archaenists Café, a gathering place for those who follow courses at Firdas Hall.


Located in the north-west of the city is the largely residential area of Hearthward. In the district is where one would find most of the city's homes and small shops. The only buildings or organizations of note would be the Wordhall and The Magistrate. The Wordhall is a Tavern where people of short stay in the city can find accommodation. Due to this the Wordhall has become a selling point for the district, its existence brings people from all over Theraxis together. In the Hall they discuss, revel in each other's stories and fabricated tales to astonish. The second building of note is The Magistrate, a tavern, and shop that caters to the wealthy wizard looking for the right equipment and components.  


In the West of the city lies the second residential area known for being home to the only temple in the city. The Palace of Faith mainly caters to the worship of Corellon as they are the God of magic in Theraxis. However, the Cathedral also caters to other Alliance of Dawn deities such as Bahamut, Avandra and Ioun. The following of the Knowing mistress is small throughout the world but in places built on learning such as Trodworth she has a larger presence. The market at the western gate is where farmers in from the provincial countryside come to sell their wares. Notable about Faithwalk is Scribe's Rest, a tavern that caters to those travelling to the city for the Institute.  
A city once constructed on the most ancient of astral and celestial ley lines, it is now home to the Arcane academy of the Losarian continent. Trodworth is built around the first settlement upon the discovery of magical power and potential. As time passed the city grew around it and 5 other districts were formed.


the city is covered in towers and magical lanterns.



Dancer's Market

on the Market one can find many wandering traders and people who have shops in the city who wish to attract new customers. such andering traders are Saraab the Mirage (pg.50 WgMM) and Azân the Wanderer (pg.10 WgMM). 

Melvin's Marvelous menagerie

Located in Academy row, across the way from Yozolro Library is Melvin's. Melvin (page 42 of WgMM) is a magic merchant who sells familiars.  

Hestannia's Studio

located at the back of The Brushstroke. Hestannia focusses on magical tattoos and tattoo ink (pg. 32 of WgMM)
Alternative Name(s)
Home of the Institute, City of Towers
Inhabitant Demonym
Trodworthian, Trodian
Owning Organization

Student of the Trodworth Institute of Magic and Wizardry


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