
Apocrypha-2 is the only naturally habitable planet in the Apocrypha-5271169XZ star system, normally just called the Apocrypha system. Located galactic south of Adran, somewhere bordering civilized space and Aarakan  space, Apocrypha-2 is a young main sequence star, and the planets in its orbit have terraforming potential in the future if the space can ever be made safe for habitation.
Primarily covered with thick, cloying jungles on the landmasses and with several large freshwater seas and abyssal oceans. The titanic trees and animals have thus far proved too hostile for colonization, but scientists find an endless treasure trove of natural resources and unique flora and fauna for study.


The Jungle 

    Jungle covers most of the planet’s surface, with trees that reach incredibly high into the sky. Megaforests that cover millions of square miles with trees that themselves serve as home to countless species of vine, moss, lichen, and other plants, as well as any animals nesting among the branches or hidden in hollows among the trunks of the trees.      The rarest and most valuable of these trees are Mythral trees, easily distinguished by their metallic lavender bark. The scientists of Alpha-C are still trying to determine what causes the trees to grow this metal bark, and the fact that it cannot be harvested makes gathering samples difficult. Only naturally shed bark may be collected, as no handheld tools are strong enough to cut through the Mythral bark. Its light reflecting properties tend to deflect laser weapons, and the metal quickly dulls and breaks steel or titanium blades. Without any way to properly work the bark into tools, some have suggested using it as armour. The security chief of Alpha-C has the only Mythral-armoured prosthetic prototype, but if the tests go well and impress private investors, more effort might be made to integrate Mythral bark into more technology.      Starting with the most benign of the many features of the Apocrypha-2 jungles, there are a collection of lakes about half a day’s travel on foot from Alpha-C. The locals have taken to calling them “Energy Lakes,” as a soak in the bright blue water refreshes most species. The highly mineralized water possesses mild healing property, but it’s not fully understood. The relative danger of the surrounding jungle has prevented them from ever hosting too many people at once.

The Glowing Forest

  The Glowing Forest is a unique area of the deepest parts of the jungle, with massive fruiting bodies that glow in the darkness of the forest floor. They feed on all manner of decay, be it the ubiquitous leaf litter, or the bodies of those who inhale the spores. Any species not native to the fungal forests must wear full face and head coverings when entering, and carefully wash their equipment once they leave. The glimmering rain of shimmery spores may be beautiful to look at but contact with the mucus membranes is almost always fatal, even with medical intervention. Most types of camouflage fail to work correctly in the fungal forest, as a glittery layer will quickly build up and limn equipment. These spores must be washed off in a local river before any return to base.      The greatest of these mushrooms is called The Guardian by most of the staff at Alpha-C. Breathtaking in both size and beauty, The Guardian is theorized to be the original fungus living far longer than previously believed possible. Many smaller, similarly-coloured sprouts can be seen stretching away from the fungal forest, which may be far-reaching fruiting bodies spread far by The Guardian’s hyphae.      When one approaches The Guardian, it seems to hum a soothing, inviting note. Do not let this comforting noise be any reason to let down one’s guard. The Guardian releases more toxic spores than any other fungi recorded in the fungal forest. Various teams have attempted to take samples from the mushroom, but any contact with it produces a powerful stress response. The first sign is an increase in the level of spores in the area, making it difficult to breathe and see even with the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). The less-obvious reaction is a released pheromone that immediately summons sporebeasts, a unique type of fungal vinebeast. The pack will eliminate any threats to The Guardian or surrounding flora before returning to their previous tasks. Harvesting samples directly from The Guardian has been banned by Alpha-C as suicidal, but the smaller mushrooms that appear outside the fungal forests can be safely harvested and contained.


Canopy Base

       The jungles of Apocrypha-2 stretch far into the atmosphere like natural skyscrapers, playing host to the endless variety of natural life. Built into seemingly endless canopy of the Kabris jungle near the equator is the safest of the science bases. Though officially named Apocrypha-2 Alpha-Decidual-LP, the people who work there tend to call it Alpha-C or AC, short for Alpha-Canopy. This is the only place on the planet not controlled by aarakans where spacecraft landers can dock, and as such it has more space dedicated to holding cargo and vehicles to deliver offworld supplies to other research stations. Directly adjacent to every airlocked entrance and exit are a set of quarantine rooms. Anyone sent to the more dangerous sections of the jungle rife with spoors and other invisible killers are sequestered in quarantine for a few days, just to be certain nothing dangerous will spread among the base.      Beyond the robust transportation system built among the branches, Alpha-C contains the most well-stocked bar and recreation unit of all science stations, and many of the Nocir  that transfer to the planet as support and entertainment staff tend to linger here instead of moving on. The lead bartender is a human, who often finds it difficult to mix drinks for nocir due to the extra body mass. Outside of alcohol, the entertainment division includes a few sex workers to tend to the physical needs of non-partnered or poly workers. While most are nocir, there are a few humans. Fraternizing with a direct superior is frowned on, but not explicitly against any policies.      High above the jungle, Alpha-C is also the only one of the science bases with any form of air vehicles. Though camo-pattern VTOLs are the most prevalent, there are a couple other options for the dangerously bold. Most easy to use and store are unpowered wingsuits, first developed for use by humans. The smaller size of a human aids in dodging the many vines, branches, and other midair obstacles that the larger nocir and Xothian  tend to hit. Improper use and high-velocity impacts have proven fatal in the past for the unwary, as have the occasional midair impact with the claws of the watcher bird. For those who are less suicidal, hang gliders are available. Slightly slower, but also safer than a wingsuit, this is an option for humans and xothians. Nocir were banned from using hang gliders after a statistically significant increase in canopy crawler attacks. For the daring and animal-empathetic among the Alpha-C denizens, the first generation of captive-bred watcher birds are available for riding. Though still fairly wild, the birds can carry even some nocir through the canopy.      As the “easy” assignment, all new scientists begin their study terms at Alpha-C. Upon entry, most are sorted into the animal, plant, or fungi research department, though some further specialize in microbiology or pathology, both of which have proven critical to scientist survival over the years. While working in this environment, anyone may choose to swap vocation at any time if they can prove they have at least some talent.      Some scientists are known to participate in what they call “Beetle Tendency” tournaments. They collect beetle specimens, put them on a table, and see which beetle will throw the other off the table first.      Also worthy of note, the science teams elect a council of three people every six months, one from each race. They work together to balance the needs for their species and the needs of their base as a whole. Anyone can be elected by democratic vote, but one person cannot be elected to the council twice in a row. This is true for all science bases, not just Alpha-C.  

Alpha-C Personnel

  Kinean – Security Chief. Xothian. Kinean lost an arm and a leg to vinebeast venom. After the amputations, he was offered the opportunity to test the first Mythral-plated prosthetic. Plated with slivers of bark painstakingly collected by field teams, Kinean’s new synthetic limbs look like a cross between a naturalistic sculpture and a piece of war technology. Kinean is best described as cynical, but prone to laughter, with a tendency to give new arrivals a thorough ribbing. He was promoted when the previous security chief, Krinos, was reported MIA after an aarakan attack on a science field team.   Katahdin – Security Vice-Chief. Nocir. Katahdin is a nocir security officer, one of a vanishingly small few. He’s given up on much of the standard nocir vanity and obsession with reputation after the death of his partner. Unwilling to give up his feelings of grief, he transferred from the entertainment segment to the security department, intent on not letting anyone else important to him die while he relaxes on-base. Morose and not particularly talkative, Katahdin spends most of his down time either practicing or going through old pictures and memories.   Tezrelah – Botanist. Xothian. Previously the sole survivor of an aarakan attack in which every other member of the team was killed or taken as a slave, Tezzie still hasn’t entirely shaken off the shock from the event. She does her best to be kind and understanding despite the stress. Can sometimes be heard muttering the name Krinos regretfully under her breath.  

Scientist Gear

  Vinebeast antivenom - Used to counteract the deadly vinebeast venom. It must be administered within two minutes of the bite to be effective. In some cases, bitten limbs will still require amputation. Any groups going into known vinebeast territory will equip every person on the expedition with at least one hypo full of the antivenom.   Blue View - a hyper-concentrated version of the chemical present in the “blue guava” fruit. This chemical cocktail that changes between a light blue in the darkness and a dark blue when exposed to bright light. It has a soporific effect, causing the person affected to fall into a deep relaxation. This stimulates daydreaming and is often used by scientists who need a bit more creativity to make a breakthrough in their research. Blue View can be combined with other chemicals to induce a lesser version of the relaxation effect in combination with whatever the other chemical does.

Underground Base

     The underground base is built into a large, stable cave system. Located halfway between Alpha-C and the ocean, its official title is Apocrypha-2 Beta-Cthonic-RS. This is usually shorted to Beta-U. Known primarily for the lack of natural light and cramped quarters, Beta-U is usually viewed as a punishment posting and most people who work there eagerly await their chance to be transferred to another base.      Beta-U also has a reputation as being cursed. The first building site chosen was near a set of purple crystals that emitted a soft humming similar to certain plants and fungi on the surface. Intrigued by the mineral deposits, the first scientists began breaking ground near them. The scientists scouting the site complained of hearing the “music” of the crystals in both their sleep and away from the cave. It only took a brief period of exposure, anywhere from 2-12 hours, before the effects became more pronounced. The singing crystals caused psychotic symptoms in the scientists who found it nearly impossible to sleep. Sleep-deprived hallucinations only worsened those symptoms, and most died within the year. The cave was quickly abandoned as a building site and the entrance to the cave was marked as a danger zone. If not for the mission’s desire to minimize environmental impact they would have collapsed the entrance.      Though the new location is free from any psychoactive crystals, most of the workers feel as if there’s something wrong the longer they spend underground. Base psychiatrists usually prescribe surface walks and plenty of sunshine to counteract the effects of underground isolation.  

Underwater Base

  The underwater base, officially known as Apocrypha-2 Chi-Thalassic-OO, is known to most as Chi-W. A place of breathtaking beauty, terrible danger, and crippling isolation, Chi-W is all the wonder of the ocean as well as all its dangers. The base is fully air-sealed and has its own hydroponics pods. Almost entirely self-sufficient, the researchers there can go a long time without seeing anyone from the other two bases.      Construction of this base was the most dangerous of any, and flooding claimed the lives of a few construction crew before the project was completed. A monument to those who sacrificed their lives in pursuit of knowledge was erected in the central lobby. Without many visitors, the monument sees little foot traffic.      As most of the base is contained in the wall of a sea cliff, residents rarely need to worry about animal attacks compared to the other outposts on Apocrypha-2. The lack of deadly plants and the infrequency of animal attacks makes the oceanic base almost relaxing, but extended periods of isolation can occasionally lead to grudges between the departments that fester for months before someone is cycled out.      Chi-W has the highest concentration of xothians. They find hunting the massive sea life to be a dangerous challenge worthy of their natural hunting instincts and prowess. The peculiar nature of many of the sea beasts is also a brain teaser for anyone intending to develop weapons inspired by the wildlife, providing plenty of inspiration for those xothians who don’t join the security team.      Peculiarly, Chi-W has made use of its brig for more than just a couple unruly drunks or quarreling scientists. Kept under tight containment is a single aarakan, confined under the waves. The security chief Marissa Benden has refused to comment on his presence, but aarakan tissue and blood samples have been making their way into the labs since then.

Chi-W Personnel

  Marissa Benden – A human, and one who has refused to be cycled out of her position. Previously a diver born on an almost entirely oceanic world, Marissa was tapped for the position of Chi-W security after she successfully rescued a team of researchers on her homeworld when their underwater lab began to flood due to sabotage. Her quick thinking and careful management of air resources in the labs bought those scientists enough time for a full rescue crew to arrive with submarines to remove them.   Vyndarel – A peculiar Ixodel . Vyndarel was transferred in with little fanfare, but quickly rose to overall director and leader of the science teams of Chi-W. Most people simply call him The Boss. Nothing happens without his approval. Rather than strictly ordering around everything each department does, Vyn sometimes orders specific experiments, otherwise allowing the teams to explore at their own pace.  

Arctic Base

     The arctic base, previously known as Apcroypha-2 Delta-Arctic-ZY and still colloquially referred to as Delta-A by most of the science teams, is the only one of the science bases from the first expedition to remain. The scant wildlife of the northern polar region, though still just as deadly as every other region, found it too difficult to overwhelm the science base’s defenses with small numbers. It was this place that served as a staging ground for the second generation of science bases, and remains one of the only two spaceports on Apocrypha-2.      Unfortunately, while their defenses could fend off the native fauna of the planet, it did little to protect them from the aggressive and well-armed Aarakans that descended on their base. The fight was short and bloody. All the scientists ended up slaughtered or enslaved. The best they could do was wipe all GPS data and notes from their computers about the other bases around Apocrypha-2.      At first, the aarakans started small, using this as a base for staging raids, trading stolen good, or storing their armaments. The small port grew as other pirates caught word of an incognito haven. With more money and supplies flowing into the port, the aarakans set up a base on Apocrypha-2’s moon as well. It serves both as security for incoming flights and a place for the current leader of the settlement to store things that require great protection.      The first leader of this new settlement, Lord Imvel, was a particularly prejudiced Aarakan. Like most of the Lords on Adran, he despised weaklings of all other species. Even as his new outposts and attempts to develop outside of the base fell one after another to the harsh weather and mysterious ice-burrowing megafauna, he still harassed non-Aarakan groups. Frequently they would either leave or disband entirely, at which point he would have them rounded up and turned into slaves.      As profit margins tanked and the reputation of the haven as a place where death or enslavement waited for anyone who considered visiting, Lord Imvel’s second-in-command, Tethrek, took matters into his own hands. Refusing to allow Imvel to ruin their home with infighting and starvation, Tethrek forcibly removed Imvel from power with the aid of his brother Hedrex. They freed many of the strong-willed hunters that Imvel had enslaved and offered them the privilege of watching him die.      Imvel was strung up by his wrists and doused with water, attached to the outside wall of Delta-A, and left out overnight. He succumbed to frostbite within the hour, and all those who followed him were likewise disposed of and left in the snow. The corpses were left among the ice and snow and can still be found in a three-mile radius out from the base. This event of frozen brutality became known as the “Frostbite Purge.”      Tethrek’s show of resistance earned him respect. As time passed, the base transformed from “Aarakan Pirate Haven” to a black-market hub, welcoming in a new age for the local populace. While still led and operated by Aarakans, the new leadership was markedly more progressive in its treatment of aliens. Tethrek’s first priority was survival of Delta-A, and if it meant branching out and tolerating other species and crews setting down roots, he would fight for it. Tethrek shed his former name and is now only known as “The Don,” the omnipresent force that once proved there is only so much to be gained with implied conquest. The raw spirit of the Aarakan could not survive alone in Apocrypha-2’s frigid wastes. Every warrior and hunter needed to work together to survive, make their home habitable, and most importantly comfortable.      Now Delta-A has increased its capacity, and merchants from every corner of the galaxy looking to evade the usual restrictions set by the Federation come to sell their goods. From illegal arms to body-enhancing surgeries banned across most systems, to drugs not seen elsewhere in the galaxy and exotic wildlife native to Apocrypha-2, if it can be bought it is sold here.

Delta-A Personnel

  The Don – Aarakan, leader of the arctic population of Apocrypha-2. His true name is only known to his brother and the few original inhabitants from before he became the leader. It is spoken by even fewer.   Hedrex – The Don’s brother. Though just as nasty in combat and in some ways even stronger, Hedrex did not have any ambitions for leadership. He prefers playing a secondary role to his brother, and often served as his personal enforcer. Hedrex disappeared during a jungle raid and hasn’t been seen since. Believed missing, not dead.   Anise – The Don’s personal and favourite pleasure slave. Anise is relatively pampered for a pleasure slave, and The Don takes good care if her. She’s notable for wearing many of the unique, round blood gems that the Apocrypha-2 Aarakans have developed. Originally gifted to The Don by Lord Imvel as a reward for helping keep order during the initial months of settlement.   Devsa – A Beastmaster with extensive knowledge on how to train vinebeasts of many varieties for use in combat. She has two different variants as her personal pets, Stem and Nix. Currently a favourite of The Don. Makes clever use of her vibrant xothian slave to draw attention to her services as a beast trainer.   Dr. Valkyrie Capp – Originally a human scientist operating in Alpha-C, Dr. Capp led the research on Mythral prosthetics. She stole copies of much of her research when she fled from Federation-controlled areas of the planet, intending on making enough money to offset her mounting malpractice suits from her time cycling through Apocrypha-2’s science bases.   Dr. Hagen – A college of Dr. Capp, another human scientist previously operating from Alpha-C. He specializes in the creation of illegal drugs, developing all kinds of illicit uses for the native flora and fauna of Apocrypha-2. His specialty are combat-enhancing drugs, but nothing is outside his purview.   Krinos – Previously the xothian Jungle chief of security, captured on an Aarakan raid into the jungles. Though forced into the position of pleasure slave, the sharper minded among The Don’s following have noticed that when The Don temporarily gifts Krinos to someone it is either a sign of great favour or a sign of great displeasure. Some claim he secretly kills for The Don, but no one has ever been able to prove one way or the other.

Fauna & Flora

Jungle Beasts

    Vinebeasts – These creatures are a reptile-like strange mixture of plant and animal, not falling into either category. They are known to gain nourishment from kills and from photosynthesizing, and it’s not unusual to find packs of vinebeasts sunning themselves in clearings. Vinebeasts that live close to the poles will spend the constant light of summer months only photosynthesizing but become ravenously hungry and dangerous in the sunless winter months.   They grow in size, strength, and durability as they age. The average vinebeast can grow their first set of fangs and sharp teeth as early as three and a half to four weeks. It is also noted that while some vinebeasts will stay a certain size during their entire lifespan, researchers hypothesize that there is a strand of DNA within their gene pool that allows them to become much, much larger. Larger vinebeasts will often split up into smaller packs, usually of about 3 to 4 due to their immense size. Currently its unknown how large they can become at maximum, as the largest mating pair of vinebeasts are larger than any land vehicles on the planet. Though no one has attempted to fire at them, it’s believed that a mounted weapon would be needed to hurt them. This pair spends more time photosynthesizing as opposed to hunting. Medium-sized vinebeasts are suitable for use as mounts if professionally trained and handled.   Vinebeasts change colour with the seasons, their pigmentation changing to match the local seasonal foliage. In more temperate areas this produces brilliant yellow, orange, and red vinebeasts in the autumn, and brown or white vinebeasts in the winter.   There are two unique variants of the vinebeast known to exist. The Mythral vinebeast grows bark like the Mythral trees and appears a uniform lavender throughout the year. The other variant is the sporebeast, which cannot photosynthesize and must either hunt or break down carrion like other types of fungus. Rather than being scavengers, their hunting instincts are even stronger than the standard vinebeast. They kill prey and bring it back to their nests to “ripen” before eating. There are also reports of “kelp” vinebeasts that live in the oceans, but no sightings have been officially confirmed.   They have been recorded traveling in packs, the largest pack containing around 10-15 members. Their fangs are laced with a necrotic substance that melts flesh into a gelatinous liquid, which is then used to feed their young during their initial stages of growth. These creatures are highly intelligent and can be heard communicating with each other in various places in the jungle. They are territorial and will swarm any hunting parties that are treading too close to their dens where they keep their hatchlings.   Turf wars between packs are common. Hatchlings are often not killed by the alphas if they are very young, instead taken in to be raised in the newly formed pack. During summer, jungle vinebeasts sprout large, vibrant flowers used for mating displays. Both Arkal blades and xolinium weapons are known to damage mature vinebeasts, giving aarakans and xothians a bit of an edge when dealing with them.   Glowflayer – A beast known to patrol near rivers and lakes in the jungle, the Glowflayer is a quadrupedal creature covered in a short coat of dense golden fur with a crocodilian-shaped skull. Their teeth are coated in a fluorescent blue venom produced in glands adjacent to the saliva glands. The venom is similar to the necrotizing venom of vinebeasts, leading some scientists to theorize that the two may be related. Killers first more than hunters, their numbers are kept in check by an aggressive territorial nature and inherent cannibalistic tendencies that make them a bigger threat to each other than other species.   Watcher Bird - Watcher birds get their name from the countless pattern of eyespots on the wings of their feathers and back. Massive creatures capable of generating enough lift to carry a nocir with a modest amount of gear, the watcher birds are one of the most impressive sights that the jungle sections of the planet have to offer. The thick undergrowth and mid-levels of the jungle are difficult for a watcher bird to navigate, so they normally only pass below the canopy to rest, sleep, or build nests on the sturdy lower boughs of the great Mythral trees. As such, they primarily subsist on smaller birds and other treetop wildlife.   Canopy Crawler – The canopy crawler is a flightless species of reptile that climbs up into the trees searching for low-flying watcher birds. Using its powerful back legs, the canopy crawler launches itself onto the watcher bird and uses its weight to drag the bird down where it can be safely killed and eaten. Whatever remains of the bird falls to the jungle floor to be eaten by various insects, fungi, and scavengers. Canopy crawlers are the only known natural predator of Watcher Birds. They are about the size of newborn vinebeasts: large enough to carry a person on the ground, but not large enough to pose a threat to bigger vehicles.   The most important part of the canopy crawler’s biology are its incredibly dense bones. They can survive falling from great heights without damage. That also increases their weight, which allows them to drag the much larger watcher birds from the sky. Younger canopy crawlers also swallow stones, bones, and any other heavy object they can to further increase their weight. Canopy crawlers, due to their small size compared to many other animals and carnivorous plants in the jungle, are often prey for anything that can and does eat meat. The density of their bones makes them only digestible by osseovores.   The Dread Stalker – A creature only vaguely understood and never plainly seen; the Dread Stalker has several chromatophores it uses to provide itself active camouflage in the jungle. Theorized to be similar to an arachnid, the Dread Stalker is known to mimic sounds, including voices, screams, or animal calls to attract prey. Currently all science teams are required to immediately retreat if they suspect they are being followed by a Dread Stalker.   Crystal beetle - A variety of closely related beetle species primarily known for the deep jewel tones in their iridescent chitin carapace. They have two sets of wings: a larger primary set of wings and a smaller set of “display wings” primarily used to startle predators and chase off competing beetles. Frequently used for beetle tendency due to their low threat level.   Osseopharen – Colloquially known as “Bone Chewers,” osseopharen are small, lizard-like creatures that form hives and nest at the roots of great jungle trees. They are obligate osseovores and are frequently seen swarming over skeletons in the jungle to break them down and eat them. They are the only creature that can safely consume the bones of a canopy crawler. The plant nature of vinebeasts repulses bone chewers, so they don’t eat it.   Murkra – A type of carnivorous moth native to The Glowing Forest, the murkra is known to gather spores upon its wings, legs, and body, then fly them out and dump them on unsuspecting prey. It will then wait for the prey to expire before descending to eat.  

Jungle Plants

  Daydream Blue Guava – A blue fruit discovered by one of the human science teams who reported the fruit reminded them of a guava. When ingested, the fruit makes people prone to daydreaming or otherwise dissociating from their environment for about thirty minutes.   Karith’s Bane – A carnivorous plant first discovered by a science expeditionary team led by the human Karith. The scent of the plant’s liquids rapidly attracted every human and the one Nocir to the plant’s location, at which point they all fell into its cavernous pitcher-like digestive stomach. The Xothians on the team were not affected and managed to prevent a few humans from falling prey to the plant which later became known as Karith’s Bane. Those affected described the scent as sweet and “foggy.” Genetic testing reveals a distant link to the Daydream Blue fruit, which also causes a relaxing effect in humanoids. A Xothian team sent to capture the nectar for study managed to safely collect from the plant. Multiple tests and studies show that any humans and Nocir exposed to the nectar’s scent have dampened frontal lobe activity, more activation in the amygdala, and experience a rush of dopamine. No tests have been conducted on Aarakans. Repeated exposure to the nectar caused depression in a few participants.   Xyric Fruit - A poisonous fruit that is lethal to humans, Nocir, and Aarakans. Xothians who consume xyric fruit on a regular basis become poisonous themselves. Their saliva, blood, and other bodily fluids become bitter, deadly poison. The poison cannot affect other Xothians. Xothians tend to enjoy the taste of xyric fruit, which they report as being sweet and a little umami.   Wisp Caress - A plant with airborne seeds like a dandelion, but the part that catches the air is longer (much like a helicopter seed). The plant is uncommon, but the plants all release their seeds at the same time, causing intermittent “Wisp storms” of released seeds. If the seeds are ground into a powder and imbibed, it can cause mild auditory hallucinations. The stem fluid of the plant can cause strong audiovisual hallucinations, but it always produces an extended period of paranoia in subjects as the hallucinations seem hostile.   Wisp Caress was discovered by the initial science team and the negative effect from eating the plant was discovered by an expedition sent out to locate a missing team. When they arrived at the site of the last beacon, they discovered everyone dead from gunshot wounds. One of the human scientists had eaten a Wisp Caress plant and perceived all her teammates as beasts and monsters, then opened fire on them. Only one human escaped the initial deluge of bullets, but he was picked off by a pack of vinebeasts further away from the site.    The scientist wrote a few confusing notes about “monsters hiding in friends” before turning the gun on herself. The second science team recovered the bodies for burial and study, revealing damage to the frontal lobe and signs of an overactive amygdala in the woman, but extreme brain trauma from the gun made further study impossible.   The plant’s fluids can be rendered down and processed into a drug that causes the same hallucinations, but it requires much less of the liquid. Though the science teams originally had no use for it beyond an interesting pharmaceutical side projects the security chief of the underwater base requested a batch from the canopy base for testing.   Elegy Rose – A plant described as a cross between a ghost orchid and a rose, it emits a faint humming sound. People kept in proximity to the flower for an extended period report feeling nostalgic or depressed, as if being near the plant causes bittersweet memories to resurface. Studies are still ongoing.

Tundra Plants

  Resing berry – A berry found only at the edges of the tundra forest zone, resing berries are known for producing a “warming” effect in those who eat it. The phenomenon isn’t well understood, but the extra heat helps people stave off feelings of exposure. The effects usually last about eight hours per berry.   A human pirate crew visiting for a few months between jobs decided to brew the berries into an alcohol. Alternately called Resing Mead or Resing Fireball, the spicy drink tastes like cinnamon apples. Every species has been able to drink the alcohol, and many report that it makes them feel more affectionate as long as they remain inebriated.

Tundra Beasts

  Ice Leviathan – The most dangerous creature of the Apocrypha-2 arctic circle, the Ice Leviathan is a creature that spends most of its life under the ice. On the rare occasions it burrows up through the ice sheets to wreak havoc in air, the creature is described as hundreds of feet long, deep grey, and dotted with bioluminescent markings. Its low-frequency hums can vibrate for miles through the water and ice. It is unknown whether there is more than one Ice Leviathan.


Originally discovered fifty years ago by human explorers curious about life closer to the edge of the known galaxy, Apocrypha-2 was recorded as a jungle planet with polar caps, and promptly reported to the rest of the scientific community.      It would be another twenty years before science teams were dispatched to begin setting up scientific research bases to study the planet and assess it for colonization, industrialization, or tourism. Unfortunately, after only two years of study, every base set up in every biome except the arctic base was destroyed. The local flora and fauna reacted violently to obviously artificial structures. Attempts to drive the animals away by force ended in failure. The arctic base survived the destruction that afflicted the others as the lack of natural life in the area made it easier to defend.      Having learned from their original mistakes, the human scientists expanded their requests for aid to private institutions and universities galaxy-wide, requesting funding to build bases that were less intrusive. These newer facilities were camouflaged as creeping plants and vines or built directly into the landscape. The flora and fauna were hostile during the initial ground breaking, but once everything was completed the ecology adjusted. Due to the camo, however, unless someone is already aware of a base it can be nearly impossible to see it unless nearly on top of it. These bases were completed five years after the destruction of the originals.      After three years of study, adjusting to the dangers of the planet’s ecosystem, and carefully deciding what might be safe for other, less-expert people to handle, the scientists began to export natural products to their financiers. This was anything from Mythral bark to animal bones, to non-toxic edible fruit. The opportunity for new luxury items and scientific advancements led to further funding and interest for the science labs. Though at first only nonliving things such as unique metals, stones, or fossils were exported, the complexity and danger of the exports increased as the scientists grew more comfortable in their environment and with their security procedures.      It didn’t take long, only about six years, before aarakan pirates found one of the outgoing ships. A small collection of dangerous plant life, a knife made of Mythral bark, and a live captive vine beast was discovered in the hold. These items, never before seen outside of the few universities and private collections of the science teams’ financiers, instantly invited intrigue. Where had they come from? What lands had yet to feel the aarakan blade to its throat? Far from being idiots, they went through the ship’s travel logs and discovered the location of Apocrypha-2. They landed at the arctic base and proceeded to slaughter any scientists and security who refused to surrender, enslaving the rest as spoils of war.      Seven years later, the aarakans began sending teams looking for other bases. A few warriors had reported seeing people across the jungles or near the ocean, and sometimes they never returned to base. While at first disappearances were chalked up to the deadly wildlife on the planet, further investigation uncovered the existence of the jungle science teams, though the aarakans never discovered the location of the canopy base.      Under new management, the aarakans wasted little time in setting up a black market. They export everything from raw materials stolen straight from the landscape to technology, drugs, or other refined items stolen from scientist field teams in the jungle. Though aliens can and do visit this market, they’re still treated as second-class citizens, and crossing the wrong warrior can end in death or enslavement. More than one rowdy labouraarakans close to the top.
Scientist Uniforms  
Jungle Vinebeast  
Watcher Bird


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