Kanoran (Kahn-Oh-Rahn)

The Kanora species is a humanoid mammalian alien race that inhabits the world of Phontax, a remote planet on the fringes of the known galaxy.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Kanoran people are generally tanned skin yet also are very colorful in nature, their hair can be one solid color or it may be a gradient of two or in very strange cases even 3 colors. The species also have markings that generally appear in their hands, over their eyes and on their thighs or legs, some have them in the shoulders too.    The colors of their markings are the color of their eyes. Also in women the color of the hair is the color of her lips, and the base color of their markings is the color of their nipples. Aside from the biological markings, they do practice scarification, resulting in thin lighter designs around their body, most of the time in their chests or abdomen.   Other physical features include their long, pointed ears that have the same color of the markings except for the light gray fluffs of hair that cover the inside of them, their light or white colored pupils and the pointed fingers in some members of the species.   One of the most unique features to their biology is that their brain has a deeper connection between their emotional and logical hemispheres, meaning they act differently from others, instead of looking at two options they are open to other points of view on the same situation, making them great diplomats. This also makes their quick reactions more unpredictable, which is useful in times of combat.   Albinism and hyperpigmentation in the species is so rare it hasn’t been seen in living memory; even if they had seen it though, since black hair and markings or white hair and markings are rare but not unheard of, many wouldn’t even know the difference between these mutations and an actual albino.   Kanoran cells that have been supercharged sometimes evaporate from their bodies, making the star crowns they have. The bigger the crown with more “stars”, the older the Kanoran is.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The diet of the Kanoran is very much like our own, the decision to lean either towards meat or vegetables depending on the individual.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Kanoran government is comprised of an empire ruling over smaller kingdoms that spread across the entire planet. The Emperor and Empress have a council of the kings of the various other kingdoms, this is called the “Council of Crowns” and the infamous council chamber they use in the imperial palace is the “Hall of Thrones”. Here, decisions are taken that affect the entire empire, such as declarations of war to rebel groups and the survival of kingdoms in dire need. Aside from this, each king will deal with their kingdom as they may under the laws established by the Emperor. Each king will also have a son or daughter serving as an envoy and living in the Imperial palace.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

They have colonized and terraformed the two closest satellite to the planet, who were made from the planet itself eons ago, each moon is controlled by 5 kings who answer to the Emperor. The moons were terraformed to both be similar to their planet and to resemble other planets they have learned about, making the moons a fantastic paradise to behold.   Their society is very advanced, relying in both the internal energy the planet produces along with natural means like solar and hydroelectricity to power their metropolises. Their cities meld into the geology, they do not break through it, making their architecture layered and swaying around hills and along riverbanks.

Common Dress Code

Concerning their apparel, Much like Nirien and Avarian they are revealing, yet not to THAT extent. They cover their nipples and vagina, although they may leave little to the imagination. Even though this is the common fashion of the planet, about 40% of its residents prefer more covered outfits with long flowing silks or tight leather. Another important factor in their fashion are metals, different adornments of gold, silver and others adorn their outfits. Engraved and layered metalwork however, can be so complex that they might even serve as a way to identify the nobles that use them.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Kanoran have incredibly long lifespans, stretching from 6,000 to 10,000 years. The reason for this insane longevity is all because of their “Ceremony Eternal” a coming of age right at age 25 for each and every Kanoran in which they bathe in pools of clear water infused with great quantities of a strong kind of energy that’s produced in the core of the planet. This process overcharges the cells of the body, effectively stopping the aging process at 25.    The incredible benefit of this is countered by the fact that the energy of the planet is the only thing keeping them in that state, meaning if they were to leave the world, they would age all their years in seconds and turn to ash. Some have the means to counter this however, using stabilized frozen water from the pools as charms and wearing them, they can leave the planet, but since the energy is so limited, they continue aging normally instead of remaining young.   Their death comes once the cells get overcharged past their limits and begin to break up in a flash of light. To one seeing this happen, the death of a Kanoran would appear magical as they dissolve into glowing golden embers and are carried away in the breeze in a painless process.

Common Myths and Legends

Their religion is based on a Pantheon of gods that rule different aspects of nature, their main god being Helos, god of light, the sun and life. Each city may have various temples, but the grand temple of Helos is located in the imperial capital

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Although they are secluded from the other planets of the galaxy, they are not ignorant to its workings. The empire secretly deploys scout drones to learn the ways of the rest of the known planets, and from time to time, adventurous travelers get lost or stranded near the planet, which leads to certain interactions between them.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
females range from 4’11” to 5’9”, males usually range from 5’5” to 6’5
Average Physique
Although the female body type tends to be curvy and thick, and the male’s body tends to be defined and strong, there really are no biological limits, and they can be either slim or chubby.

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