Lunar Kanoran

Lunar Kanoran are a variation of the typical Phontax Kanoran that live in the planet's 2 moons of Iradel and Halen.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Lunar Kanoran share almost all base traits to the planetary Kanoran except for a few things. Unlike their planetary cousins their irises are always the color of their markings. These markings are seldom found across the body, often remaining only in the face and most times around the eyes.    These markings are always very dark if not black, and can also be found in the outer edge of their ears. Women of the species also have this dark color in their top lip. The inside of their ear is the same color as their skin except for a white border near the edge, while the top of the ear is the color of the vibrant section of their hair.   Contrary to planetary Kanoran, their lunar cousin's hair have 2-3 main phases of growth. The first one and longest is the same dark tone as their marking, now if the kanoran only has 2 layers, the top one is a more vibrant color, and that color is shared between the outer skin of their ears, their nipples and genitalia, as well as the lower lip for the females of the species. Now if the kanoran has 3 layers, what we discussed above will actually happen in the 3rd layer, and the second or middle layer will be of a color transitioning between the long dark layer of hair and the shorter, vibrant one. In very rare cases however the layers in the hair wont develop well and instead will be shown as streaks or flecks throughout.    Aside form all of this, lunar kanoran also have vibrant pupils of a color not repeated across their bodies, although many pick accents in their clothing to match it and bring it out. Lastly, they also lack the ritual scarification marks found in Phontax Kanoran.

Additional Information

Social Structure

After the moons were terraformed, the emperor established 5 kingdoms ruled by 5 kings in each moon who all in turn, answer to him. Aside from this, and mainly due to the distance, the moons are often left to govern themselves and the 10 lunar kings only attend the Hall of Thrones (where they discuss the moons as a whole) in the most dire of times and are treated more like neighboring planets rather than extensions of Phontax.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Due to the moons having been designed and terraformed purposefully, the landscapes are gorgeous beyond compare and fantastic to behold, with floating pieces of land and monuments and very much like in Phontax, their cities bend, rise and fall alongside the landscape, making the moons stuff of stories and legends.

Common Dress Code

Their dress code is almost exactly what you would see in the planet itself, except that, due to their more liberal nature, both males and females tend to be a bit more revealing, females especially choosing to expose their breasts is something commonplace in the moons.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Lunar Kanoran culture has a strong focus on freedom and the arts, many of them specify in the crafting arts like tailoring, sculpting and painting. This way of thinking is also a factor that makes them so "worry free" at least to the outsider, and why they are so comfortable in their own skin.    Due to the Phontax system being so far from other inhabited planets, Lunar Kanoran only have to worry about trading with Phontax itself, so most of their dedication and effort goes into maintaining their kingdoms and keeping a pleasing and comfortable life style in the fantastic landscapes of the moons. This sort of laid back attitude is very appealing for young planetary Kanoran, and many do visit the moons before their Ceremony Eternal, but often return home. Aside from the young Kanoran, many see Lunar Kanoran in different ways, from sad since they aren't able to live as long as them, to lazy and unfocused for not striving for more than just sensory pleasure.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Since the moons were created from the planet itself, they too hold the energy of Phontax that's used alongside solar power and hydroelectricity to power their cities, but the moons have a much less powerful and scarce version of the energy. This means that when a lunar Kanoran participates in the "Ceremony Eternal" they only have enough energy to live up to 1/10th of what a planetary Kanoran can live, about 800-1,000 years compared to the general 10,000 in Phontax. Also because of this scarcity there are no large natural pools of water infused with the planet's energy, rather thin streams burst through stone in the sacred sites, and those participating in the ceremony fill a ritual goblet with the water and drink it instead of bathing in it.    A little piece of trivia about this substance is that while it does have an official name in Phontax as a whole, the moons refer to it jokingly as "Magic Juice" thanks to the input of some strange ancient travelers from among the stars. Much to the planetary Kanoran's disdain, it has even been called this in official ceremonies.

Common Myths and Legends

Lunar Kanoran have the same Pantheon as their planetary brethren, but unlike them, their main deities are Hestes and Lastas, the twin moon goddesses of the wild and love. They have various temples to them in the major cities, and the main temples are in the Highest mountain in Iradel and in the middle of the largest ocean in Halen.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
800-1,000 years
Average Height
same as the planetary Kanoran, females range from 4’11” to 5’9”, males usually range from 5’5” to 6’5
Average Physique
Although the female body type tends to be curvy and thick, and the male’s body tends to be defined and strong, there really are no biological limits, and they can be either slim or chubby. much like their planetary counterparts


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