The Void

The Void is an understudied and highly dangerous force in the galaxy. This force seems to have some level of sentience and is actively expanding and acting towards an unknown goal that seems to be connected with destruction and chaos.   One of the most dangerous aspects of the void is it's influence. It's able to enter the minds of sentient creatures, bend their thoughts and make them serve its macabre goals. When it comes to it's influence, it seems that the more the being is connected to the void, the less it requires direct manipulation. This means that Void touched are much more directly controlled than Void Kissed, and Void Sent are pretty much just left to be, since their every unconscious action and very existence forwards it's plans.  

Void Touched

Void Touched individuals are those that have stared into the void, and the void in turn has stared back, taking control of their minds. These individuals are used as suicide agents, creating chaos with their every action with little in the way of self preservation. Void touched have sunken eyes that glow purple, sometimes purple veins can also be seen under their skin and behave as if unhinged, barely making sense in their words and just looking to destroy.    Their connection to the void gives them heightened reflexes, speed, strength and resilience but can be stopped with high caliber weaponry, however on their time of death they explode with void energy. This explosion vaporizes the nearby area, turning living matter to ash and tearing through structures.  

Void Kissed

  Void Kissed are beings that have melded with the void, granting them unnatural abilities and changing their whole personality. These seem to be more in control of their actions and have long spanning goals and plans in regards to serving the void. Often times they will have a more drastic transformation, with most hints of color shifting to a purple hue, their clothing, hair and sclera becoming black and their personality becoming more sadistic.    Many of these can fly without external aid and can survive in the emptiness of space by manipulating the void energies within their bodies. After shifting many will do their best to flee their location and head into deep space.   The Ixodel are the most vulnerable species to be corrupted into Void Kissed, but this does not mean they are the only ones that can be affected. Its also to be noted that Void Kissed will live a lot longer than common members of their species, about 200-300 years more than the typical life expectancy of their kind.  

Void Sent

  These are beings that have been actively created by the void. Strange fauna and flora can fall under this category but the ones that really shine here are the Void Demons . A Sentient species whose every action serves to forward the goals of the void.


Void energies can often be seen as wispy or flaming purple lights of varying hues, purple is the color of the void. It scarcely manifests on it's own and often uses host bodies or avatars to make itself known, seeing someone with glowing purple eyes could be a sign that they are being manipulated by void energies.


While the void exists, it is unknown where it's core is. It's rumored by strained researchers that the void is everywhere, that it lives in the black between the stars.   In some incredibly rare cases, there are locations that can become a "Void Nexus", a location where void energies meld and infect surrounding life. For most of the galaxy however, this event is only hypothetical...unbeknownst to them however, a variety of Void Nexus exist both in the Therea Galaxy and beyond.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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