Void Demons (Voh-Eed Dee-Mons)

Void demons are a sentient species of Void Sent that were given shape by The Void . They can be almost exclusively found in the Voidmaw, a shattered planet whose core collapsed into a Void Nexus. The location of the Voidmaw is unknown, but rumor says it is somewhere in the northeastern quadrant of the galaxy, though it may be beyond galactic limits altogether.   While they have something close to "free will" their every action, conscious or unconscious serves to further the Void's plans, no matter how miniscule and how far in the future those actions bare fruit.

Basic Information


Void demons are a humanoid species that have bodies shaped from the void itself made flesh. They have very similar anatomy to most humanoid species but are far more resistant to physical damage by conventional means.    Void demons have a plethora of unique traits that set them apart from other void sent. They have a mane of void flame that does not burn or sear but instead produces low heat, as well as horns, claws and unique eyes with colored sclera, lighter iris and slit pupils. They also have long pointed ears and fangs, along with a long triangular tongue.    While their anatomy and biology makes many things that normal sentient species do obsolete, it is noted they have nipples and the "females" of the species have breasts. Its believed that the intention behind this is a conscious design by the Void to seem alluring, inviting and familiar to many of the other sentient species of the galaxy.    When a Void demon is wounded, void energy would begin leaking out of them like wispy thick black smoke. If they consume a decent amount of void energy afterwards they can begin healing. While at first the wound will scar black, later on it will become a bright, almost white purple color before fading entirely. For the moment only other void energy from other void demons can be counted 100% of the time to be able to harm them. It is theorized however that another primordial force in the universe can do even more damage.    When a Void demon has drained itself of void energies their purple colors dim and darken, and their body thins to a drastic degree and they enter a slumbering state. They can stay like this for a few years, but once they experience even a drop of void energy they enter a hyper active and re-energized state that lasts for 24 hours. In that time they need to refill all the void energy they lost and only then will they be stable once more. If decades pass the body will begin to decay and later on fade into nothing.

Biological Traits

Void Demons vary depending on which zone of the Voidmaw they adjusted to, with a few traits being found in pretty much any of them. The list of traits that can be found in any of the void demons with varying rarity is as follows: -multiple horns (uncommon) -multiple limbs (uncommon) -multiple eyes (rare) -tusks (rare) -wings (super rare) -tail/s   Aside from these traits, each zone variation has their distinctive trait list and look to them.  


  Void demons from the volcanic lands of Thion have a gradient skin between 2 types of a vibrant purple. They have Black or dark purple horns and sections of "armor" that look to be made out of a stone or bone like material. Also their eyes are very light in color and a more saturated gradient of this color can be seen in their flaming manes.  


  Void demons from the dense and mutated forests of Aphion have very dark gray skin and black limbs. Their skin also has slightly lighter gray segments and bright purple lines that glow. Both the eyes and the flaming mane have the same color as the lines, although the mane has a gradience. Their horns share the same color as the markings but are a bit darker in color. Their glowing lines can also show up in their horns, framed by black.  


  The void demons from the Snow capped wonderland of Nunn have light gray/white skin fading to black on their limbs. They also have sharp diamonds like black scales scattered through their bodies and their markings are a mix of black and glowing purple lines. Their horns are a gradient from black to the accent purple color, with their mane being another gradient of 2 vibrant purple hues.  


  The demons of Nyria live in mushroom forested lands and have a semi vibrant purple skin with the outer edges darker than their core. Similar to the Thionian demons, they have bone like structures across their bodies but they are creamy in color instead of dark. Unique to their species also is that their horns float completely above their heads by an inch. Their markings are fewer than many of the other demons and share a light purple color with their eyes. This somewhat carries over to their flaming manes, which are pretty light in color with it darkening towards the ends.  


  The demons from the rocky plains and deserts of Xaethis have near black skin with broad markings that shift from one purple hue to another in a gradient. This also spreads to their horns, which are cupped around the base in one of their ochre bone like plates. These plates cover much of their body, functioning like armor. Their flame manes are very light in color with a slight degradation to a darker hue near the end. Their eyes also share this very bright color.  


The demons from the crystal speckled mesa of Odrion have dark purple skin that shifts into black in their limbs. Their markings have a twisting and turning script like design and have a gradient between 2 different purple hues and are pretty scarce in their bodies compared to other variants. Most times they also have black areas in their face, neck and hands but these can spread further. The horns in this species break easily but remain floating where they originally were and is a very common sight to see. The manes of the Odrian demons are the most saturated of them all, with a gradient between two bright purple colors.  


  The demons of Crao live in the dark of immense cave networks, their pale skins with purple limbs standing stark against the dark around them. Their eyes always match the same color as their limbs and in rare occasions they may develop very few markings elsewhere in their bodies, also their manes are relatively darker than most. Like other variants they have bone like armor that is most commonly found in large heavy plates around the upper body. However this can change depending on the individual with some having the armor more on their lower half or extremities. Their horns and much of their armor also has deep depressions or holes in them, giving it an organic look.  


  The demons from the huge towering peaks and cloud seas of Ienia have a lighter yet still dark cool gray skin, with zones being a near black color. Their markings tend to be of a single purple color and glow, but in some cases can also be a degradation of 2 close purple hues; their eyes also share this coloration. Much like the Xaethian demons, their bodies are covered in a bone like armor, but theirs is light gray to white in color and smaller in size. Their manes have a medium vibrancy and are also a gradient between 2 different purple hues.

Genetics and Reproduction

Void Demons are a sterile race and more can only be created directly by the Void. The sexual organs they can summon serve only as a source of entertainment and show of strength than anything else. 

Growth Rate & Stages


  When a Void Demon is created, they resemble a floating orb of fire. These orbs are shot out of the Void Nexus and rocket towards one of the various chunks of the Voidmaw. They will spend years floating around their respective zone, the flame slowly changing hue and growing into a semi humanoid shape.  


  Once they have this semi humanoid form, they will look for any other Void Sent creature, be it fauna or another Shade like themselves, they they will consume their Void Energy, killing it and growing into the juvenile stage.  

Void Imp (juvenile)

  This childlike entity closely resembles Void Demons, though many of an adult's traits are still not present in this stage. From here, they need to kill and drain increasingly bigger Voidsent, gathering the energies they need to evolve to their adult form. As Imps, they are smarter and more skilled at killing their prey, though they still rarely vocalize unless its to screech or roar.   

Void Demon (Adult)

  In the Voidmaw there are a few great Void Sent species with copious amounts of void energy, killing one and draining them will basically destroy the Void Imp's body and reshape it into a full grown adult. Void demons will then remain in this stage for the remainder of their lives, neither aging nor changing unless they bring upon those changes purposefully. It is possible however to continue to grow from this stage, but they can only develop further with ridiculous near impossible amounts of void energy.   

Void Archdemon

  One of the ways a void demon can become an archdemon is by being personally imbued with copious amounts of energy from the void itself through a Nexus. This has only happened 3 times since the eons and eons past the void demons have been alive for. Because of this, little is known about the appearance of void archdemons, though many myths and legends say they are more monstrous and larger than mountains.

Ecology and Habitats

Void demons thrive where there are large amounts of void energy, with a Void Nexus being the ideal habitat. The Voidmaw then is a literal paradise for them and can sustain them easily. When traveling the galaxy however they need to keep their energy stores carefully looked after, and while they are still very strong in those circumstances they need to either consume a lot of void energy or return to a Nexus when tired.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The shattered planet of the void demons provides them with enough nutrition with fruits and fauna that are dripping with void energy, by consuming this they can regain their energies and heal. While outside their world they rely on the scarce void energies produced by strong and passionate emotions like lust, fear and hatred. In order for them to harvest the void this way they need to kill their prey by any means necessary, draining them of their life energy. However it is always better to enhance these emotions before killing their target, and many use either torture or seduction to accomplish this. Them being masters of persuasion helps when getting this ever vital meal.

Additional Information

Social Structure

While the social hierarchy in every one of the different segments of the Voidmaw differ slightly there are some common ground between them.   All zones are lead by a Fell Prince, a Void Demon with many servants and unparalleled power and offensive void energy control with even more political tenacity. This being is basically the strongest person in that zone with the sharpest mind, a true alpha predator. Some rule alone, others keep the council of sharp minds and others choose a partner to rule at their side.   All Zones also have The Voices, one or more individual highly attuned to void energies and proclaiming to hear the voice and will of The Void. These can be considered the religious leaders of the Void Demons, serving as guides in troubling times or advisors to the Princes. Many of their lower ranks, the Whispers serve as medics and treat wounds won in battle by others.   The Positions of Master and Servant are also found everywhere in Void Demon culture, with both positions being chosen after an encounter, fight or competition to pick a winner. These tend to be for relationship purposes but in some cases it can also be don't just to show superiority. Some masters even chose to show off the status of their servants by dressing them in certain items, be it large metal collars, cuffs or even chains.   Other positions that are found in the Voidmaw include those that work with Nullen Blades and artifacts, those who entertain, hunters, gatherers and builders among others. While their civilization is looser than others and rather chaotic, there exists a sense of serenity that unites them.  

Albinism and Hyperpigmentation 

  Unlike other species, albinism and hyperpigmentation does not reflect changes in genetics for Void Demons, instead it reflects extreme circumstances of their birth.    A hyperpigmented Void demon, is one whose flame never made it far away from the core of the Void Maw. Instead it was saturated, and in a way, nurtured by the core of the void maw itself. At some point during early development it can dethatch itself from the void currents and flow to one of the land chunks, where it's development continues into a fully realized hyperpigmented Void Demon.    Unlike their kin, these are highly saturated with void energies, to the point where a lot of it is constantly leaking out. These are far stronger in void magics and the abilities provided by the void than their kind. However because they constantly leak energy, they can remain for far shorter amounts of time away from the Void Maw. They are glass canons in essence, stronger than others but more vulnerable to being drained when far away from a nexus.    Hyperpigmented Void Demons are respected and heralded as champions of their kin, often climbing ranks and becoming masters of slaves early in their lives.   Albino Void Demons on the other hand are the result of a massive void energy surge outside of a Nexus. The energy explosion created a brief nexus for a few seconds, enough for a flame to manifest. However these void demons take far longer to develop than others, surviving on scraps of void energy in the surrounding area and residue from the explosion. Because of this however, their bodies learn to manage and survive longer with faint traces of void energy. In a sense, they are the tanks of Void Demons, being able to maintain themselves for longer with less, while not being the hardest hitters of the pack.    Albino demons never fully develop into adulthood outside of the void maw, instead their are constantly drawn towards it, like a cold feeling in the back of their head. When they make their way there, they will rapidly develop into adulthood and resemble the variant in the zone they arrived on.    These albino will often be bullied by their kin, and be made to prove themselves in order to earn respect.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Voidmaw has 8 distinctive broken off chunks of what used to be a planet that orbit the Void Nexus core slowly, these 8 zones serve as the home for each of the respective 8 variations of Void Demon. Incredibly, the void energies of the nexus give shape to a myriad of unique life in these zones and also gives them a unique biome cluster per area. These zones from largest to smallest are: Thion, Aphion, Odrion, Nunnus, Nyria, Crao, Ienia and Xaethis.  

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Void energy manipulation   Since they are made from pure Void Energy, they are skilled at it's manipulation both to attack, assist or enhance themselves. Void demons can channel void energy in outward bursts to have controlled flight, as well as energy type projectile weapons that work similar to how normal energy firearms work in the rest of the galaxy. They can also channel the energy into themselves and create a thin shield to protect themselves. Some very skilled individuals can even use the void energy to push, pull or carry objects.    When in other areas of the galaxy, they can also shift into a form highly similar to other sentient species, with the only difference being that the hues of color the species would have change to be their own purple colors. For example a human with purple eyes and hair, Aarakan  with dark purple hair and purple sclera, etc. Depending on the species this trait can be noted easier than in others, for example a purple skinned and haired Nocir  is far stranger than an Ixodel  with purple markings and eyes. This change can only last for 24 hours and needs a rest period of 3 days before being done again.    Its also important to note that they do not turn sentients into Void Kissed, however they can corrupt them and lead them down the road that leads to that.   Navel Seal

All void demons have a navel seal, a symbol that's unique to each individual. This seal can be used to create or "summon" the individual's genitalia of preference, be it a penis, vagina or anus regardless of their chosen body (female or male presenting). These genitals will be extremely similar to a human's with only miniscule variation, be it some sort of bumps or a slight change in shape. In some rare cases they can also summon a combination of vagina and penis, and some may even summon 2 penises. Also their sexual discharge will almost always be a faint purple color and glow slightly.   When summoned, the genitals function like any normal organ would, and they shift the interior anatomy of the individual to accommodate for the internal organs. Them being made from pure void energies are fairly malleable like this. Its also to be noted that they can self increase sensory pleasure with the seal. Once sexual activity ends the entire reproductive system fades back into the seal and any sexual discharge inside them melts into void energy and is absorbed by the body, leaving them feeling revitalized and satisfied.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Void demons don't have a very strong naming tradition, but they use strong, alien or demonic sounding names.

Gender Ideals

Void Demons choose a body shape when they enter maturity and can summon any genitalia they wish with their seals, this means they have no strong opinions on gender and are open sexually with virtually any other void demon that catches their eye.

Relationship Ideals

Void demon relationships are an aggressive affair, with it being more a show of dominance and power than love and understanding. A couple will often engage in a long and heated battle if they show interest in each other, with the winner holding the loser as a prize which they dominate. While the Master in this relationship has most of the say in what the servant does, the servant accepts their fate willingly, making most relationships like this more comfortable for each member of the party than one would think.    When it comes to the duel, most times it is a physical battle until submission, and this can indeed have fatal conclusions, however other options are often seen. Competitions of certain skills being the second choice, be it hunting, displays of power or even sexual acts are commonplace if a battle doesn't happen.   In some cases, a master may engage in a mating duel (the process described above) with yet another competitor. This may lead to the master in turn being a servant to the victor, while being a master himself to their own servant. This can lead to convoluted and twisted chains of masters and servants, and it is not unheard of for all of that to collapse into a veritable pool of carnal pleasures unbothered by titles. 

Average Technological Level

To the outside, Void demons may seem archaic beings stuck in medieval like ages, but this is because instead of a strong reliance in technology they use their control of Void Energy instead. With this they are able to create fantastical buildings and artifacts, but never verging in the deep technology of other races like space ships or guns.    One of their more obscure constructs with Void Energy are the Nullen Blades, these black metal floating blades are used to fight against their mortal enemies, ones that serve another primordial force in the universe. These blades are only ever used for this and don't work well against other Void Demons. While any metal will be enough to go through normal mortal flesh they prefer using their own claws, teeth or void energy.   When it comes to traveling the galaxy, they have managed to use the energy from the Void Nexus to create a limited teleport system that sends them to various parts of the galaxy. These artifacts can be infused with 2 charges, one going and one returning, so once they make their way to other sectors of the galaxy they only have one shot to make their way back. The artifacts look like rugged black stones that they can carry or imbed somewhere in their bodies, often this is done in their wrist, hands or backs of their necks.

These devices however are sensitive to Void Energies, and if another person in another world has a big enough source of void energy and channels that energy into open space it might cause the artifact to be drawn to the signal, teleporting the Void Demon to the place or origin. This is one way to "summon" a void demon, but the odds of it happening aren't very big and might lead instead to the person being consumed by the Void energy, becoming a void touched or void kissed.   Its also to be noted that Void Demons have a strange reaction to any bio organic type of construct, being able to influence it with their void energies and control it. This can work for example with Aarakan ships or even their blades. 

Common Dress Code

Void demons are always naked, only using piercings or accessories to decorate themselves. In some VERY strange cases however, especially if a void demon will want to personally interact with another sentient being, they might wear very small clothing mainly in the shape of tiny pieces of cloth, leather, metal or even sheer to cover their breasts and groin area. This normally would happen to make it easier to talk with others with minimal distractions. 

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of the Void Demons revolves around excess, be it pleasure or violence. Their society is highly confrontational with battles, duels and competitions spreading through the Voidmaw. Perhaps this is why it doesn't find itself overpopulated or with high spikes of new Void Demons being created, since many are killed in these encounters. How or why this serves to forward the plans of the Void is up to their interpretation, since none know it's true will.

Common Taboos

Breaking the bond between Master and Servant is seen as taboo since the encounter to decide those positions is highly respected, because of this same reason a servant killing their master is cause for death.    Openly and directly opposing the void is not only seen as blasphemous, but is literally deadly, this will quickly purge the void energies inside a Void Demon and shatter them, killing them instantly. Situations like these however are merely a theory since their every thought serves the void, they can't go against it. However there exist certain forces in the universe that may twist the mind enough for them to do this. 

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Void demons are a highly harmful species to most of the galaxy, and serve more as predators trying to advance the will of The Void . Aside from this, because of their secrecy and ability to change their form, almost everyone in the galaxy is unaware of their existence. Any and all voices speaking of demons from deep space are taken as mad ravings or merely rumors, with only a 1% of a 1% of the people in the galaxy knowing they exist.    Its also important to remember that they seldom leave the Voidmaw, and even less do they leave for inhabited planets. This may signal that they gather their forces and prepare for something, what they prepare for we don't know. This will change in time however, and when it does the galaxy wil never be the same again.
They can remain alive as long as they have a strong enough source of void energy, and if they remain in their planet they are virtually immortal unless slain.
Average Height
5-7ft tall for adults of the species
Void demon variations of each of the 8 zones


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