Therean Union of Systems Organization in Therea Galaxy | World Anvil

Therean Union of Systems

The Therean Union of Systems is the largest central government of the Therea Galaxy. They are a federation of planets and other systems that come together to represent as much of the galaxy as possible in order to make laws and take decisions that benefit the great majority.


The Union's head leader is it's High Grace. While some might see them as a figurehead and a symbol of the Union, they do carry great influence and power, enough to sway votes and decisions should the need present itself. However most of their responsibilities lie in reaching agreements with the other high ranking members of the lower councils and government leaders from other systems.   The legislative branch is the The Golden Court, with it's Prime Senators. These are individuals greatly influential in core galactic politics. This court is composed of 20 senators, ranging from military generals, wealthy merchants, governors and leaders of planets as well as civilian representatives, guild masters and tradesmen. These along with the High Grace make up the ruling circle of the Union. Here all executive decisions are taken and agreed upon.

Then the judicial branch is the High Council of Law. This is composed by a Supreme Court as well as the regional courts. This branch is dedicated to ruling in favor or against judicial disputes and issues, with the Prime Justice being it's representative and head.


Because so many different worlds and species form a core part of the organization, naturally this would bring many cultures in contact. This fits perfectly well with the union's goal to unite as many people as they can under their banner, and as long as each culture can respect each other and keeps within the boundaries of the law and social norms they are welcome in all Union territories.

Public Agenda

The Union strives to undo the damage done by the previous government. Bringing in abused planets, healing relations and making bridges between the people of the Therea galaxy in an orderly and just way.


The creation of the Therean Union of Systems came to pass after the destruction of the previous oppressive government leading the galaxy and the death of their leaders. This event marked the culmination of the largest galactic war in known history and the beginning of a new age in history, the TUD   (Therean Union Dawn) is now the standard measure of time in the Therea Galaxy.   Currently a full century has passed since this event, some of shorter living founders have passed and the self proclaimed Union Golden Age of the galaxy is well underway.


The union has 3 "Core Worlds" making up their center, of these one is the "Crown World" the seat of power of the previous government and now of this one. This crown world of High Avakyr holds both a grand metropolis taking up about a third of the planet, a towering and spiraling city built on top of the ruins of the old regime, a work still ongoing between the union's worlds. Once a place of hatred and oppression, now a haven for the people.

The rest of the planet is dotted with various grand cities and landscaped that were painstakingly shaped and manipulated to be as ideal and beautiful as possible. Entry to High Avakyr has been restricted more and more in the last decades, but the other two Core worlds remain open as per the original wishes of the Union's Founders.


The union has two military main cores. The High Core belongs strictly to the Union, and obeys the direct command of union officers. This is a smaller force but made up of veterans and elite fighters that took part in the wars of the previous age. The Dawn Core is an decentralized military division being mostly made up of volunteers from other military institutions from across the allied worlds. This makes up the bulk of the Union's Military force.   For the most part the Union's Military is reserved for large engagements, and smaller branches can be used to police or guard important locations, though most of the time policing is left to local forces. They are also used as escorts to exploration cores to new and unmapped worlds.

Technological Level

The Union can comfortable count itself amongst the most advances organizations in the galaxy, while at the same time keeping close contact with the others on the list. In the present, many important and promising discoveries and technological advancements have been the result of both Union funded and employed scientists.    While some may find the practice distasteful, much of the discoveries made by the previous government that had other uses, aside from being used as weapons, have been revitalized and implemented by the Union.


While no one religion is put above the others in the Union, they do have a diverse religious representation and are often welcoming to most religions. They do their best to represent their practitioners by providing temple grounds for them.

Foreign Relations

The Therian Union of Systems is composed by a number of different planets with different species and cultures; naturally this makes foreign relations both easier to manage and more difficult to navigate. The Union understands that past events have left a mark on different species and that some may not be in the best of terms with others; however if both parties want to reach an agreement and are acting in good will the Union will do the best it can to mediate and help find a middle ground.

The Union however, does not condone nor does it deal with currently hostile forces like the Aarakan of Adran or any other such species with openly hostile intentions. Despite this, the Union does not actively combat these hostilities, a fact that has garnered the disdain from the affected people.   Aside from this, the Union is always looking to expand and introduce more systems to their growing alliance. To this end, senators and envoys form an important part of their repertoire, even going as far as to produce senators belonging to species which have not yet joined them to make negotiations flow smoother.

Trade & Transport

The Union exports many items, materials and technology it produces to the various worlds under their influence. Some of these include food sources and the means to grow them in many different planets and even in space stations, machines to help with construction, even new medical tech like implants and prosthesis.

While they they have an expanding number of exports, the one thing they are the most known for is the export of Solarite , a highly reactive material that fuels the new golden age the galaxy is entering. This material is extremely dangerous, and for the most part it's traded in it's compound form called Pure Solinium. This material is the greatest fuel source known currently, and it was the main driving force behind the oppressive rule of the former government. Now instead of hoarding it, the Union choses to trade it with it's allies.   The imports towards the Union mostly come from the systems that form it, and in turn, the Union does it's best to organize and distribute them further. This helps spread the use of important technology and give necessary materials to those with the knowledge on how to use them. These include but is not limited to, technology, minerals, food and medicine from the main union planets like Balanex and Paxilion     When it comes to transporting these goods, The union uses custom made spaceships constructed between their own engineers and master shipwrights from the Nocir These are currently the fastest cargo ships in the known galaxy, using a core generator of Pure Solinium its a masterwork of engineering.


The Therean Union of Planets prides itself in offering some of the best education on the galaxy. They host some of the greatest minds in the galaxy and make the cost of attendance relatively affordable by galactic standards.    While the old age still holds a lot of turmoil in the hearts of the many, The Union strives to be as open about the past as possible, keeping censorship to a bare minimum in historical texts and being open about conversations about those times.

For a Therean Dawn

Founding Date
Year 1 of the Theric Union Dawn ( TUD )
Government, Leadership
Alternative Names
The Union
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Most territories inside the old Empire Border are part of the Union, these include: 
  • Ixion
  • Thrarkus
  • Paxilion 
  • Avrasi
  • Nerall
  • Balanex
The Theric Credit Shard is the official currency of all Union Territories TCS
Legislative Body
Prime Senators of the The Golden Court
Judicial Body
Prime Justice of the High Council of Law
Executive Body
High Grace
Controlled Territories

Therean Union Dawn

1 and beyond

  • 3 TUD

    12 TUD

    Decommissioning of all facilities

    During this period, the TUS disassembled and decommissioned the military facilities of the old government

  • 13 TUD

    30 TUD

    The Crusades
    Military action

    the crusades mark a period in time where the TUS militarized and hunted down the supporters of the old empire. This action eliminated a great mayority of the old supporters, those remaining either melded into the new galactic order the TUS was creating or were left in squalor and obscurity as punishment for their actions.

  • 30 TUD

    89 TUD

    The Re-exploration
    Discovery, Exploration

    During this period in time, the TUS created, endorsed and sent out Explorer Guilds to lesser known planets and abandoned regions that once belonged to the old empire to discover, recover and analize anything they found that wasnt already in their databases.

  • 50 TUD

    64 TUD

    Sackings of the Old Empire
    Criminal Activity

    This span of 14 years marks the time where planets and governments farther from the center of control from the Union, used their sponsor of exploration to steal technology from the old empire for profit. Following a handful of skirmishes, the TUS streightened their laws and policing forces, virtually stopping the scavenging and forcing the planets involved to surrender any weaponry or dangerous technology.

  • 90 TUD

    Discovery of the Starsoul
    Discovery, Scientific

    In the year 90 TUD Explorers discovered an unpowered Starsoul

  • 100 TUD

    190 TUD

    The Early Golden Age
    Era beginning/end

    In this Era, the TUD managed to make the Starsoul operational and they leanred to use the fuel it created to power their cities and technology.

  • 115 TUD

    Discovery and creation of Solarite
    Scientific achievement

    After the Starsoul was turned on, years passed before the residue of the machine, now known as Solarite was discovered and it's use as a cleaner energy source that could be used by planets farther away from the core worlds.

  • 191 TUD

    240 TUD

    Late Golden Age
    Era beginning/end

    At this time, many new technologies were invented and made widely available throught the TUS territories and the re-building from the destruction caused by the old empire was nearly completed. This allowed people to focus on other areas like scientific and economic improvement.


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