The Nine-Tailed Character in Therinyn Exodus | World Anvil
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The Nine-Tailed (Ku-zee-no-hah)

Goddess of Vanity, Charm, Cunning
  • Kuzunoha
  • Residing primarily in the spirit world, Kuzunoha tries to lure the souls of men to her palace. Slowly tricking her prey into a lull before she devours them. It is said that the halls of her palace are filled with thousands of beautiful artwork and masterpieces she has collected over the years. But her collection is never ending, one can only hope not to end up apart of it.
    by Bachzim

    Divine Domains


    Alternate Domains:


    Tenets of Faith


    A shrouded Kitsune mask, or a three-eyed fox.

    Divine Ability

    Intelligence or Charisma

    Divine Font

    Heal or Harm

    Divine Skill


    Favored Weapon

    claws(unarmed attack).

    Cleric Spells


    Contacts & Relations



    The Spirit King

    Brother (Vital)

    Towards The Nine-Tailed



    The Nine-Tailed

    Sister (Trivial)

    Towards The Spirit King



    by Onmyouji
    Divine Classification
    Evil Deity
    Neutral Evil
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Kuzu-no-Ha, Fox Trickster, False Beauty, Soul Devourer, Sly Fox, Soul Burglar, Thief of Magics
    The Spirit King (Brother)
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale White
    by ???

    The War in Heaven

    In the eternal struggle against light, Kuzunoha stands as the embodiment of vanity, charm, and cunning. She is the antithesis to her brother Tsukiyo's serene nature, representing the opposing force in their perpetual clash for dominion over the spirit realm. This conflict, spanning across ages, reveals the unyielding clash of yin and yang, and the prophecy foretells that only one deity shall emerge victorious.

    Tsukiyo, the Spirit King, persistently seeks common ground, but the irreconcilable nature of their essences prevents any possibility of reconciliation. They embody the eternal duality of light and darkness, engaged in an intricate dance for supremacy over the spirit realm. Each clash between them amplifies the stakes, drawing them closer to the ultimate conclusion—a final confrontation where a single god will stand tall.

    In the face of the inevitable conflict, Kuzunoha revels in her vanity and greed, driven by her insatiable hunger for power and dominance. Her charm and cunning become tools of manipulation, luring unsuspecting souls into her grasp. Her palace in the spirit world, adorned with a never-ending collection of stolen masterpieces, is a testament to her insidious desires.

    While Tsukiyo remains resolute in his pursuit of balance, Kuzunoha's malevolence knows no bounds. Her vanity blinds her to the consequences of her actions, as she indulges in the pursuit of her own twisted desires. The shards of stolen magic she possesses only amplify her prowess, allowing her to wield various types of magic with sinister intent.

    Legends resound with tales of the fated clash, the culmination of unending cycles of strife between the twin guardians. In this climactic battle, Tsukiyo and Kuzunoha unleash their divine powers, but it is Kuzunoha's dark magic and devious schemes that threaten to tip the scales in her favor. The Spirit King's missing eye serves as a reminder of her greed, symbolizing the stolen fragment of his essence that fuels her wicked might.

    Thus, Kuzunoha clings to her unwavering stance, driven by her insidious ambitions. She understands that the destiny of the spirit realm hangs precariously on the outcome of their final confrontation. As the eons pass, her malevolence grows, and she eagerly prepares for the fateful clash that will determine the future of the celestial domain, seeking to fulfill her wicked desires and cement her reign of darkness.

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