The Spirit King Character in Therinyn Exodus | World Anvil
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The Spirit King (Tsu-key-oh)

God of the Spirit Lands, Ancestry, Moonlight and Spirits - Tsukiyo

Brother to the fox demon, Kuzunoha, matching her yin to his yang as the twin guardians of the spirit world. Similarly to his sister, Tsukiyo spawned from the fallen corpse of the god Veleste. Now the watchful guardian of the spirit world, Tsukiyo is in and endless struggle and battle with his sister, creating an equilibrium between them. Many pray to the spirit king to hear answers and guidance from their ancestors.

Tsukiyo, revered as the Spirit King, stands as a figure of profound significance in the Spirit Lands. Often portrayed as a majestic Dragon Oni or Dragon Yokai, he emanates an aura of wisdom, grace, and ethereal power. Clad in celestial robes that cascade like moonlit clouds, Tsukiyo commands attention with his regal and noble presence.

A striking feature of the Spirit King is his mesmerizing single eye, which captivates all who behold it. Legends speak of a fierce battle between Tsukiyo and his sister, the fox demon yokai goddess Kuzunoha, during which she cunningly stole his eye as an act of treachery. The remaining eye gleams with an otherworldly luminescence, reminiscent of the moon's radiant silver glow. It serves as a poignant reminder of the eternal struggle and delicate equilibrium Tsukiyo maintains, balancing the realms of light and darkness within the spirit world.


In a time long forgotten, when the world was still in its infancy, Tsukiyo emerged from the primordial essence of the cosmos. Born from the very fabric of the Spirit Lands, he embodies the fundamental essence of spirituality and the ethereal realm. From his inception, Tsukiyo was destined to become the embodiment of serenity, order, and harmony.

As the Spirit King, Tsukiyo bears the sacred responsibility of safeguarding the spirit world, serving as its vigilant guardian and guide. Lost souls and ancestral spirits find solace and guidance within his realm, seeking his divine presence to hear the whispers of their ancestors. Tsukiyo, known by many names such as the Prince of the Moon, draws strength and insight from the celestial radiance that bathes the spirit realm, deepening his connection to the ethereal planes.

The Spirit King's profound influence is exemplified by the creation of the Nekomata race, a tranquil and joyful breed of spiritwalkers. Tasked with aiding Tsukiyo in his duties, he sculpted the first Nekomata from the soft clouds of the sky, fashioning it in the form of a cat. This humble creature proved to be a loyal assistant, serving the Spirit King faithfully throughout the ages. Filled with an unyielding desire for companionship, the small feline expressed its wish never to be alone again. Touched by its heartfelt plea, Tsukiyo granted the wish, giving rise to the Nekomata race and ensuring that the cat would forever be surrounded by kindred spirits.

Tsukiyo is revered as the Pale Watcher and Gulnyr, the embodiment of wisdom and introspection within the spirit realm. His presence exudes an aura of tranquility and an unwavering commitment to justice. As a Lawful Good deity, he upholds the values of peace, compassion, and the preservation of harmony. Followers of Tsukiyo revere him as the paragon of benevolence and seek his divine guidance in navigating the complexities of the spiritual realm.

Throughout the Spirit Lands, temples and sacred groves dedicated to the Spirit King serve as sanctuaries for spiritual contemplation and prayer. Devotees of Tsukiyo often gather under the moonlit sky, connecting with his celestial energy and seeking solace in his divine presence.

by ye (ran chiiipye)

Divine Domains


Alternate Domains:


Divine Symbols & Sigils


Jade crescent moon.

Divine Ability

Constitution or Intelligence

Divine Font

Heal or Harm

Divine Skill


Favored Weapon

a spear.

Cleric Spells

1st spirit link
5th rip the spirit
7th divine vessel

Tenets of Faith

  • My blade shall be as a lantern, used only to ensure the safety and passage of others in the dark.
  • I shall honor my ancestors by speaking for them, even if their truths differ from my own.
  • I will aid the lost, be they dead or alive. My aid shall be requested or accepted upon offer, never enforced unless failure to do so should result in suffering.


Contacts & Relations



The Spirit King

Brother (Vital)

Towards The Nine-Tailed



The Nine-Tailed

Sister (Trivial)

Towards The Spirit King



Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of the Moon, The Night Spirit, Pale Watcher, One-Eye, Gulnyr
The Nine-Tailed (Sister)
by calendulamew

The War in Heaven

In his eternal struggle with darkness, Tsukiyo stands resolute, a bastion of balance and harmony. He comprehends that true equilibrium requires the simultaneous existence of opposing forces, even as his sister, Kuzunoha, embodies the antithesis of his serene nature. Their conflict spans ages, an unyielding clash of yin and yang, and it is foretold that only one deity shall prevail.   Tsukiyo, the Spirit King, recognizes the futility of seeking common ground with Kuzunoha. Their opposing essences, forever at odds, preclude the possibility of reconciliation. They represent the eternal duality of light and darkness, locked in an intricate dance for dominion over the spirit realm. Each clash between them amplifies the stakes, as the inevitable conclusion draws closer—an ultimate confrontation where only a single god will stand.   Despite the knowledge that their paths are irreconcilable, Tsukiyo remains steadfast, his resolve unshaken. His duty as the guardian of balance propels him forward, driving him to maintain harmony amidst the chaos. He recognizes that the cosmic equilibrium can only be achieved when one deity overpowers the other, their conflict culminating in a definitive clash that will shape the destiny of the spirit realm.   Legends speak of the fated battle, the culmination of countless cycles of strife between the twin guardians. In this cataclysmic clash, Tsukiyo and Kuzunoha will unleash the full extent of their divine power. The Spirit King's missing eye, symbolizing the stolen fragment of his essence, becomes a testament to his enduring strength and resilience. It is in this climactic struggle that the fate of the spirit realm will be decided.   Whispers echo through the ethereal planes, speaking of a prophecy that foretells Tsukiyo's victory. The reunion of the twin guardians will not bring reconciliation, but rather an end to the eternal cycle of their conflict. When the clash of their powers subsides, only one god shall remain, standing triumphant upon the vanquished remains of their sibling rival. The restoration of balance will be achieved through sacrifice, as the Spirit King emerges as the singular deity reigning supreme in the spirit realm.   Thus, Tsukiyo persists in his resolute stance, for he understands that the destiny of the spirit realm hinges upon the outcome of his final confrontation with Kuzunoha. As the eons pass, the anticipation builds, and the Spirit King prepares himself for the fateful clash that will determine the future of the celestial domain.

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