Lt. General Gravin Juchter Character in Therm | World Anvil
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Lt. General Gravin Juchter

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gravin Juchter was born in his family's log cabin high in the mountains in the state of Haussetherm. His father Pfenter Juchter and his two brothers were farmers and trappers in the North Big Valley region. As Gravin grew older he started learning farming and trapping from his father and uncles and by 10 he was trusted to set and check traps by himself. Sometime around his 14th birthday there was a division in the family between Gravin's father and his uncles. Eventually during a particularly bad argument Gravin ran away from home on one of the family's prized horses. After a week the food he ran with ran out and he started stealing food where he could as he drifted from town to town slowly making his way north.   Gravin drifted into the town of Bau Malisz where word had also just reached the town of a war breaking out between The Graand Republik of Pepper Land and Uroboros . An army recruiter in town saw Gravin on his horse and convinced him to join the cavalry. Graving and his horse were on a train the next morning heading to Fort Teler near Kesagtgerg.
Date of Birth
August 31st, 1540
Year of Death
1622 PU
Aligned Organization

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