Vien Yang Kaha Character in Therm | World Anvil
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Vien Yang Kaha

Vien Yang Kaha

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vien Yang Kaha was born to two students from Kelmernaer on December 8th, 1579, his father Yang Kaha and mother Lulu Viyara. While they were both from Kelmernaer they never met until they were both at Hamiton State University as part of a scholarship program the Linten Fruit Company offered to children of workers. Despite her pregnancy Lulu Viyara stayed in college and studied law, Yang Kaha studied diesel motor technology. After their second year they came back to Kelmernaer for the summer and got married, Vien was 6 months old. Unfortunately it was around this time the Linten fruit company suspended its scholarship program. As some of the people they sent to Pepperland for education they also learned about Pepperland's labour laws and brought that back with them, workers started demanding better pay and conditions.   With their student visas cancelled by the company they had no means of traveling back to finish college (like most the islanders they were not Pepperland citizens), so Vien's father had to find a job on one of the sugar plantations on Kelmernaer. Kelmernaer was a very different island now than it was 3 years earlier before the fruit companies moved in. Almost all of the land on the island now belongs to a corporate entity of some sort and as a result no one is allowed to farm for themselves. Most villagers have relocated to corporate towns where every commodity must be bought at a company store. The Kaha's would move into one of the small apartment buildings.   When Vien was 5 he went to a preschool set up by the Linten Corporation and his mother started working at a fruit plantation. At age 6 he saw his parents participate in the first workers' strike. The company already had Kurgan mercenaries on hand and the mercenaries scattered the protesters, Yang Kaha had his leg broken by a mercenary.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
December 8th, 1579
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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