Siren Sea

Callaphe gazed on the coastline, certain her destiny called her   here, where the mist-shrouded rocks sang,   promising glories undreamed of.   —The Callapheia
    The vast Siren Sea extends west from the known lands of Theros to the edge of the world. As Thassa’s domain, the sea hides an amazing array of creatures, including the entire triton civilization. Its legendary dangers range from deadly reefs and wandering islands to predatory beasts and devastating krakens. Ever-changing, the Siren Sea is a realm of impossible sights and constant danger, the setting of legendary odysseys and the crucible of heroes.  

Tritons of the Siren Sea

Most Triton make their homes in the Siren Sea, either migrating with the shifting tides or raising hidden cities of outlandish beauty. The majority are devoted servants of Thassa who rigorously protect her domain, often treating surface-dwelling sailors as trespassers. Tritons make most of their goods from materials harvested from the deep, but have also developed ingenious forms of metallurgy—largely based around volcanic sea vents—and chemical etching, crafting wares that rival those made on land. The endless array of life and unpredictable changes of the sea make tritons regular witnesses to wonders. As a result, most tritons have a natural curiosity, ever seeking to see and learn more, but know they’ll never fathom all the wonders of the world.   Although numerous triton cultures exist throughout the Siren Sea, many of those closest to shore are led by priests of Thassa. Triton warriors enact their leaders’ will, with many specializing in doing battle against massive beasts or ships sailing the surface. The most wary communities might even employ shorethieves, tritons adept at using magical disguises to infiltrate land-bound towns to watch and steal from “dryfolk.”