The Meeting of the Masks



After escaping the underworld Varyas's Returned body ran from a group of The Returned toward Deyda Harbor. Upon the body's second death The Masks of the Gods first met, with the assistance of the legendary Aesop, "Setessa's Forgotten". The mystery began after discovering Varyas golden mask.   Among the cryptic writing were the letters K -H -E -A. This led them to Khea the Sage. With her help they discovered the first line of code, leading them to the Tomb of Orestes. In which, they rescued the Eidolon of Varyas. The returned back to the city with the spirit and the party's first Ouroboros tokens  With the help of Khea the Sage and Varyas, in his new toy-form, the group deciphered the next line. This would lead them to The Weeping Grotto.

Related Location
Deyda River
Related timelines & articles
Adventurers of Theros chronicle