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Akroan Holdings

One-Eyed Pass Outpost. This outpost serves to keep an Akroan eye on the large cyclops population of the area, but the stratians also use the cyclopes to their advantage. Any time dangerous creatures come down from the mountains and pose a potential threat to Akroan holdings, the Alamon harry the enemy and try to funnel them into the pass. The cyclopes of the pass viciously defend their territory against all intruders, weakening or even eliminating the danger before it can reach the Akroan outpost, where the Lukos finish off any stragglers.   Pharagax Bridge. On the western border of Akros gapes a massive chasm rumored to descend all the way to the underworld and belch forth foul creatures. The great stone bridge that spans it is the only way into Akros from this direction. Stratians consider it a high honor to be assigned to guard the bridge.   Titan's Stairs. These stone "stairs," seemingly carved into the granite cliffs that protect Akros and haunted at all times by eerie, whistling winds, provide natural access to Akros. The stratians guard it fiercely and use it as a staging ground for invading the lowlands.   Phoberos Outposts. Several semipermanent encampments dot the badlands between Akros and the wilds beyond. Fresh cadres of troops come here every month to relieve soldiers who are worn out by relentless assaults from raiders, fire-breathing dragons, and other threats.   Mountain Shrines. The Akroans believe that the gods are best worshiped at the places closest to Nyxmountain peaks. Small temples and shrines are found throughout Akroan territory. Some are tucked in caves or nestled in crevices or canyons, while others are bare altars exposed to the elements.
Outpost / Base
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