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Acording to the legends, the Tortles of Theros are a the product of a curse. Long ago, the city of Orianos, famed for their runners, sent the best of their atlethes to compete in the Iroan Games at Akros in honor of Nylea, Goddess of the Hunt. However, when the Marathon started, the Orianian Runners found that their strenght and stamina was sapped so much, they ran only half as fast as the average athlete and most Orianians didn't even finish the marathon. Something was amiss. Did anybody pour a strange potion in the drink of the Oriannans? Or have they angered a god?   The Oriannans prayed to Nylea for forgiveness, for they have clearly failed their godess. However, it is told that Iroas, God of Victory, laughed roaringly at the sight of the famed oriannan Runners being lame like turtles and mocked Nylea for weeks after the games have ended. Nylea, enraged by Iroas ridicule refused to heed any pleas and prayers. She cursed all inhabitants of Orianos and transformed them into Turtle-like beeings called Tortle.   The Tortle, heartbroken and betrayed by their godess, left the Nessian Woods to find a home near the Deyda River. Years later, the Tortles earned the Respect of Iroas after all. Many large bands of Minotaurs from Phoberos united to a single army to besiege Akros. The Tortles allied with the Akronians and sent a division of 50 Warriors to defend the city. The Tortles arrived late to the battle (as usual). The minotaurs already damaged the mighty main gate of the Polis and threatened to destroy it and take the whole city. Only a few brave, but exhausted warriors stood at the gate.   Meanwhile the Tortles entered the city trough a secret passage and were equipped with spears and halberds. The Phalanx of Tortles just arrived at the main gate, when it finally broke. Minotaur Berserkers, raging for gore, stormed into the city just to be impaled on the Tortles spears. Three days and three nights the Tortles defended the gate. When the battle was finally over, hundereds of dead minotaurs covered the area in front of the gate, but only a single Tortle has been killed. Since then, "hard as Tortle-Shell" is the greatest praise an Armor sold at the Akroan Market could muster.   Years later, the loss of this single fighter at Akros meant a great threat for the Tortles. Minotaur warrios have siezed the body during the battle, for they believe one must eat the flesh of their enemies to gain their strenght. The Minotaurs didn't grow a Tortle-Shell, but found the flesh of the Tortle to be delicious. The minotaurs built special warhammers to crack the shells of the Tortles and sent hunting parties deep into Arkoan and Meletian Lands to hunt for Tortlemeat. The hunting of the Tortle was so fierce, their species stood a the brink of extinction.   That was when Pharika, Goddess of Affliction took pity on the Tortles. She brew a special concoction that didn't harm the Tortles at all, but made them taste awfully. Furhtermore, she thought some Tortle the Secrets of the Fungi and theirs Spores. This way, the Tortle survived until this day, although no more than a few hundered remain.    


Tortles are reptilian-looking humanoids with large shells on their backs that were capable of containing their entire bodies. They have leathery skins that varies between olive-green to blue-green hues. The dorsal portion of their shells is usually darker than their skins, while the ventral portion was lighter, usually with yellowish tones. Tortles rarely ware any clothing, favoring instead belts and harnesses to carry their belongings. They have little tolerance for cold, and usually migrate away from temperate areas when winter approaches.   Although generally poor swimmers, tortles are capable of floating on water and could hold their breath for over an hour. Their high buoyancy granted them the ability to cross swamps, mud, and quicksand with little difficulty.  


Most tortles have the notion of having their houses on their backs, which means that they rarely feel homesick or the need to lay roots in any single place. They are eager to learn new customs and found beauty in the most ordinary things. Despite spending much of their lives isolated, tortles like to form strong friendships.   It might be caused by their transformation, or an insight the Tortle have gained later on, but most Tortle have a rather stoic attitude towards live. They are are not devoid of emotions, but refuse to be controlled by them and prefer to not to worry about things they cannot change. This, however, does not mean that they are passive. Once a Tortle has chosen its path, is will follow it with the great enduance they are famed for.  


Besides being able to wield weapons and shields, tortles had claws and beaks that were effective as natural weapons. In addition, they could retreat into their shells for additional protection if necessary. When withdrawn in this way, they were unable to move and see, but could still hear and smell the outside world. The shape of their bodies made it impossible for tortles to wear armor, however.  


Tortles only reproduce near the end of their natural lifespans. When their young hatch from their eggs, they spent the remainder of their lives sharing all their life experiences and teaching survival skills. Young tortles would become orphans after about one year, by which time they are expected to be able to fend for themselves.   Usually keeping to themselves, they tended to live alone, but keep in closed contact with their community. Tortle villages are typically welcoming of other species.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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