Norella, Princess of The Woods Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Norella, Princess of The Woods


Mother of Herimeles, Arch-Priest of Heliod    Norella is a princess of the Woodland Elves, and was married to one of the last remaining elves of The Pale Lands (Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis").  After her husband's death in 5 BNA, she has remained within Akros. She is now primarily known for her role as the High Priestess of Karametra within Akros, for which she often travels to the surrounding areas of the Campus Akroa, and the Khystonos Valley.  It is well known that Norella keeps her distance from Gerousia politics, and is a public supporter of pacifism and demilitarisation. This has made her distinctly unpopular amongst many of the Lektoi, with some even publicly espousing the idea of banishing her back to the Nessian Woods.     


Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"


Towards Norella, Princess of The Woods

Norella, Princess of The Woods


Towards Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"

Year of Birth
90 BNA 95 Years old


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