Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis" Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"

Elder brother of Dorysia, Former Queen Consort of Akros and Elder of The Griffins and Sphano, High Huntress of Nylea.   Cerester was raised within the decaying kingdom of The Pale Elves to the north, and witnessed the destruction of their kingdom. Cerester travelled across Theros with his sisters, and eventually arrived in Akros, where he was greeted by Cleomenes "Elf-Friend", King of Akros. It is well-known that Cleomenes was initailly reluctant to allow the Pale Elves to stay, thinking (as many did) that their people were doomed. However, through the intercession of his consort, Phinella, he was convinced to allow Cerester to prove his worth. Cerester did this, and more, and quickly proved himself the most able of Cleomenes' warriors. So great was his skill and courage, that his family were granted entry into the house of The Griffins, and his sister, Dorysia, taken to be the consort of Cleomenes (after Phinella's unfortunate passing). After many years of service, during which time Cerester trained many of the future heroes of Akros (including General Teraklos, of the Second Legion and Brugas, Elder of The Bulls), Cerester travelled to the Nessian Woods to seek a worthy partner, and returned with Norella, Princess of The Woods. The couple quickly gave birth to their son, Herimeles, and all was well. At the start of the Xenaxian wars, Cerester was sent south to Meletis, where he became an integral part of the defence of the Polis. After 15 years away from Akros (and his family), Cerester died in the process of killing a Nyxborn Kraken attacking the Polis.    


Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"

Older Brother

Towards Dorysia, Former Queen Consort of Akros and Elder of The Griffins


Dorysia, Former Queen Consort of Akros and Elder of The Griffins


Towards Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"


Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"

Older Brother

Towards Sphano, High Huntress of Nylea


Sphano, High Huntress of Nylea


Towards Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"


Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"


Towards Norella, Princess of The Woods

Norella, Princess of The Woods


Towards Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis"

800 BNA 5 BNA 795 years old


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