Queen Cymede of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Queen Cymede of Akros

Queen of Akros, and Dowager of King Anax "God-Slayer", of Akros     Cymede grew up a member of The Eagle Family of the Lektoi, but after military service she travelled far across both the Siren Seas and The Katachthon Mountains. In so doing, she found the young Anax, having just escaped the Eladrin Court in the Nessian Woods. The two feel in love immediately, and returned to Akros. There, Cleomenes, King of Akros decreed that Anax must prove his worthiness for the throne. After many trials, during which Cymede became a Chosen Champion of the God Keranos, Anax and Cymede were declared joint inheritors of the Akroan Throne.  After Cleomenes' death, Anax and Cymede ruled side-by-side during The Great Silence and later the Xenaxian War. Cymede was famous for being the most powerful mortal Oracle within Theros, and the only one who coud speak with the gods during The Silence.    During the wars against Xenagos, Cymede proved herself a mighty warrior, and a formidable arcane power. During teh Siege of Akros, she woke the waters of the Deyda river, creating a mighty Tempest to destroy the Nyx-born armies opposiing Akros.    Cymede disappeared in a pillar of lightning moments after her husband's death at the Seige of Akros.  No remains were found, and the Oracles would not state if Cymede was alive or not, and so she remains the regnant Queen of Akros, and (technically) the only person who can name a successor until her death is confirmed.  Since her death, Anax's cousin, Taranika, was proclaimed regent of the Kingdom until Cymede was found, or her fate confirmed. But that was 5 years ago, and no sign of her fate has been found...     


Year of Birth
40 BNA 45 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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