The Royal Family of Akros Organization in Theros | World Anvil
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The Royal Family of Akros

The Current extant members of The Akroan Royal Family are:   Queen Cymede of Akros - Crowned Queen of Akros. Unknown if she is alive or not. Location unknown.   Taranika, Queen Regent of Akros - Child of the consort Phinella, alive and reigning in Akros.   Paristhenes - Possibly a bastard. Alive and campaigning in Phoberos.   Lanathos - Possibly a bastard. Alive and based in Akros.   Lorcann "The Lion of Setessa" - Thought to be dead, but his passing is uncertain. Bastard.   Prince Arius "The Bastard" of Akros - Likely still alive, but uncertain. Bastard.   Euryale "The Golden", Prince of Akros - Unknown if still alive. Location unknown. Bastard.   Thaleia, The Typhon - Unknown if still alive. Trueborn, but a deformed monstrosity.    


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