Session 12 - "The Source of The Khystonos" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 12 - "The Source of The Khystonos" Report

General Summary

A New Body 

  • Kythos found himself in a new body- his former having been crushed during the fall from the mountain above. He had been reincarnated into a body of one of "The People of The Forest", and witnessed the burned form of his previous body. 
  • Kythos was introduced to his "saviour" - Norella, Princess of The Woods, and her Gorkhan bodyguard Ateus. She informed him that she came to the forest searching for the source of The Khystonos - Lake Gaina, but her guards had mostly died, due to the powers of Nylea acting on The Forest. 
  • Norella also informed Kythos that his body was marked by Malanas, The Crow, and he had been following him using this. 

Ss'hani, Child of Nylea 

  • Norella advised Kythos that he has signed a deal with Nylea by attacking her child, Ss'hani (the Nyxborn Roc). He must now kill the creature, so that she may be reborn. 
  • Finding the creature, the group witnessed a pair of odd mechanical creatures trying to finish it off. 
  • After scaring away the creatures, Kythos tried to kill Ss'hani, but she grew a human head and convinced him to let someone else kill her, so that she is not reborn as a worse monstrosity by her mother. 

The Dam 

  • Arriving on the back of Ss'hani, Kythos, Norella, Princess of The Woods and Ateus attacked the mechanical creatures, who were busy building a dam to block off Lake Gaina. 
  • During the battle, Ss'hani was killed by the mechanical creatures. 
  • The group then descended into a great crevice within Lake Gaina, into which the lake was pouring and steam emerging menacingly. 

The Depths

  • Descending into the depths, the group fought their way to the base of the stone structures holding the crevice open 
  • Ateus fell into the firey depths, after the structure was rocked by Norella's magic 
  • After the the structure collapsed, Kythos awoke in a large room covered in paintings depicting the mechanical creatures serving The Flamespeaker(s) of Kakamala
  • The paintings depict the rulers of Akros seeking the advice of The Flamespeaker(s), and then turning from them, after which the firey creature walled up by the mechanicals burst out... they poured the lake onto it to quench it's fire, but then it was freed, and the the mountain erupted with lava and fire! 

The Heart of The Mountain 

  • Norella and Kythos fought a great firey behemoth from the depths of the mountain
  • Norella died in the fighting, and bid Kythos to tell the people of Akros what happened here, and to tell her son, Herimeles, that she loves him... 
Theros Campaign
Report Date
07 Nov 2023


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