Session 5 - "Arriving in Titan's Gate" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 5 - "Arriving in Titan's Gate" Report

General Summary

  • The session began with Kythos and Hixus chasing after Varyas' Eidolon, through the caverns below The Court of Orestes.
  • After a tense combat with a group of Returned; and the emergence of Antiophane, The Lampad, from the darkness of Tartyx, the party witnessed the arrival of Malanas, The Crow.
  • Malanas asked for Kythos to hand over Varyas' Eidolon, and the Mask, and in return he would allow him to continue with his life, without issue. After refusing this, Iroas interceded to protect the party, but Malanas dismissed the intervention, and killed Hixus with but a flick of his wrist...
  • Kythos escaped with Varyas' Eidolon, and emerged into the light of day. Kythos wore the coloured robe of Hixus on his arm, and noted a letter within from his grandmother, asking Hixus to look after Kythos on their journey North.
  • Kythos and Varyas' Eidolon arrived at Titan's Gate, after witnessing a group of impaled centaurs of The Pheres Clans, identified as "Daggereye Raiders".
  • After being questioned by Timon, a member of The Lukos branch of The Lektoi, and having their weapons, and Varyas' Mask, removed (and Varyas' hands bound with strange bronze manacles), Kythos was shown to "The Temple of The Triarchy", where he met with Pylaios.
  • Whilst speaking to Pylaios, Kythos witnessed him speak with the voice of Heliod, demanding that Kythos bring the mask and the cipher to Pylaios.
  • Kythos met up with Xercos and Philosta at Trinnia's Taverna, and had a fitful night dreaming of his encounter with Malanas.
  • The next day, Kythos learned that Philosta is Crown Princess of Neolantin, and that she needs to seek out The Flamespeaker of Kakamala to avoid her city being dragged to the depths by "The Great Kraken" upon her ascension to the throne (as has been foretold).
  • Kythos also learned that Pylaios is due to travel from Titan's Gate soon, on his pilgrimage to Mt. Kure. He said that his next stop is a new settlement built by Heliod's faithful in the mountains.
  • Kythos visited the temple of Iroas with the Temple of The Triarchy. There, he bested a member of the Lektoi in Pankration, and then stood up for an aspiring champion of Iroas - the minotaur Taurion - who later tried (and failed) to teach Kythos some acrobatics. Taurion also revealed that he knew Corrino whilst growing up along the Khystonos Basin, and that the two had shared a dream to become Champions of Iroas. Taurion wishes to join the Alamon, but because of his heritage he needs the approval of a representative of each of the Temples of The Triarchy - that would mean a Chamion of Iroas, High Priest Ochesios, and The Flamespeaker of Kakamala (as there is no High Priest of Purphoros within Titan's Gate).
  • Kythos helped Pylaios to save The High Priest of Heliod within the city - a man named Ochesios, who had sought foresight and been granted it jointly by Heliod and Erebos. He had foreseen his son, Paramos, died bravely within a Pheres Land Outpost, saving his companions, and also Paramos surviving a Pheres attack by hiding, leaving his companions to die. Speaking with the voices of Heliod and Erebos, Ochesios offered to bring Hixus back, should Kythos lead Ochesios to shadow, but Heliod threatened that Kythos' friends would burn if Ochesios did not commit to the light.
  • Kythos led Ochesios to light, and subsequently fought a collection of shadow creatures taking the forms of people from his past. Kythos acquired (?stole) Ochesios' dagger during the kerfuffle.
  • Kythos visited Timon at the Alamon Academy, and the two engaged in a mock fight for the Alamon to watch. After knocking Kythos out, Timon informed Kythos that the mask would not be returned until it had been reviewed by General Teraklos. The General was due to meet with The Daggereye Chieftain that afternoon, so he should know more tomorrow.
  • Kythos returned to Trinnia's Taverna, where Varyas, Xercos and Philosta were acting out a play depicting a Kraken. Kythos was cheered by the crowd.
  • Kythos spent the rest of the afternoon shopping at the market with Philosta and Xercos.

Rewards Granted

Kythos acquired The Dagger of Heliod from Ochesios; Kythos gained a point of Piety (Heliod)

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Met Malanas, The Crow, within the caverns below The Court of Orestes 
  2. Got to know Varyas, The Eidolon 
  3. Met Timon, Chief Instructor of The Alamon of Titan's Gate 
  4. Interacted with Pylaios, the faithful of Heliod, within Titan's Gate 
  5. Interacted with Philosta and Xercos, travellers from Neolantin, in Trinnia's Taverna 
  6. Met Taurion, an aspiring Champion of Iroas 
  7. Met Ochesios, The High Priest of Heliod within Titan's Gate 
Theros Campaign
Report Date
09 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.


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