Taurion Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Taurion is a black minotaur, adopted into a family of Akroan Serfs within the Khystonos Basin.  He dreams of being chosen as a Champion of Iroas, and the first step (as he sees it) is joining the Lektoi. That means becoming a member of The Alamon before anything else, and for that he travelled to Titan's Gate...  On arrival he was refused entry to The Alamon Academy, and was told to seek approval from the representatives of the 3 Temples of The Triarchy:
  • The High Priest of Heliod - Ochesios 
  • A Champion of Iroas 
  • The High Priest of Purphoros - Given Titan's Gate doesn't have one, that would fall to The Flamespeaker of Kakamala 
Kythos stood up for Taurion after he was attacked by a group of Alamon within Iroas' Temple in Titan's Gate, who were jealous of his gymnastic skills.



Best Friend

Towards Taurion



Best Friend

Towards Corrino