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Brasaan, the Tempest

Brasaan (/bɻaːsaːn/) is the lesser god of freedom, change, weather, and the wilds. They are revered as the consort of Niginni, but are otherwise more feared than worshiped. Most prayers to Brasaan are pleas for safe passage through the wilderness, or calm weather on the ocean.  


The Age of Dawn

It is written in the fragmented records of the first age of mortals, known to the common folk of Thesilae as the Age of Dawn, that Brasaan was the first mortal to attain godhood.  

Brasaan slays the Delenaen Goat

Brasaan was a hunter from the cloud giant clans of Maedris, who made the error of slaying the sacred Delenaen goat, Eòsalas and thereby angering Niginni. In her fury, Niginni bid Brasaan to carry the corpse of the goat up to the highest peak of the nearby mountains and bury it at the foot of the waterfall there. Once Brasaan's quest was complete, the goat's spirit rose to gift them a bow made of its own golden horns, before returning to the Ether. Brasaan pledged themself to Niginni's eternal service as further repentance for their actions, naming the mountains and the waterfall after Eòsalas, and protected both from the intrusions of mortal-kind for the rest of their life.   Over time, Niginni came to love Brasaan. When the time came for their soul to rejoin the Ether, she granted them with divinity instead, and they have remained at her side ever since.  

Hylkor plunges the world into Chaos

Sometime after Brasaan's divine ascent, Niginni took pity on a hill giant child named Hylkor, who was abandoned in the heart of Ma'sali Forest by his clan. She ordered the forest to protect Hylkor from harm, and the boy grew to be one of Niginni's most fervent worshipers. However, Hylkor took too strong a liking for the darker aspects of Niginni's world, and sought to use his druidic abilities to prove his superiority over the other mortals of Thesilae. After several failed attempts to stop Hylkor's reign of terror, Niginni enlisted Brasaan's aid in constructing a cage to trap Hylkor's soul inside of for the rest of eternity.  



Brasaan is a cloud giant with grey-blue skin the shade of a stormy sky. They have a head of thick white hair shorn short on the sides that looks perpetually windblown, and crackling blue eyes that are said to flash like bursts of lightning whenever their emotions flair. Their typical attire consists of loose trousers and long sleeveless tunics adorned with bits of golden jewelry. Brasaan is never depicted without their golden longbow, Whelm, which they use to strike down those who would defile Niginni's lands.  


Due to their temperamental nature, Brasaan is among the most feared of the gods, though they are by no means an evil god. Though they punish mortals harshly for crossing them, they are quick to forgive those who repent sufficiently. Their moods are ever-shifting, however, and they can be both difficult to please and easy to anger.  


Brasaan's worshipers are an eclectic bunch, coming from all walks of life. After all, there are few people who haven't found themselves praying for better weather. Their true followers, though few in number, include clerics and paladins, druids and rangers, and all manner of magic-users.  


Brasaan's clerics often begin their service as worshipers of Niginni, but find themselves more drawn to Brasaan's teachings than the goddess'. As it is part of Brasaan's instruction that their worshipers do not settle in civilized areas, these clerics are prone to leaving the church for nearby wild places, such as forests or swamps, where they seek to connect more deeply with nature. Though it is not an official title, commoners have taken to calling such clerics Thorns.  

Druids and Rangers

Perhaps the most numerous of Brasaan's followers, rivaled only by rangers, are druids. It is exceedingly uncommon for anyone to know one of these druids or rangers, however, as they keep entirely separate from any form of civilization. They are typically reclusive, and live simple, solitary lives protecting whatever patch of wilderness they view themselves responsible for.  

Edicts and Anathema


  • Aid the natural world in taking back the lands
  • Destroy the unnatural
  • Help the growth of plants and animals


  • Create undead
  • Destroy nature
  • Build markers of civilization
  • Settle in civilized areas


Places of Worship and Holy Sites

Deity Information

The Tempest
The Bending Bough
Ascended God
Freedom, Wilderness, Weather, Change
A swirling cyclone
Divine Realm
Chaotic Neutral


Druids, sailors
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites


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