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De Guardia Feniché

De Guardia Feniché is the official law enforcement agency of Isle d'Akti. Their forces are spread all across the nation, but their main headquarters are in the capital city of Novalina.  


The members of De Guardia Feniché serve as armed guards, patrolmen, and jailers all across Isle d'Akti. Most are in training to join the Praetoran Army of Isle d'Akti, but have not yet reached the physical and/or mental requirements for military service. The bulk of the members fo De Guardia Feniché are ground soldiers, but a small force of aerial warriors patrol from the backs of crimson-plumed d'Aktian giant eagles.   The standard uniform of De Guardia Feniché includes a bronze helm shaped like the head of a phoenix, and similarly styled bronze half-plate armor. Ground soldiers weild gladii or spatha along with small round bucklers and longbows. The eagle-mounted warriors of higher rank often have a similar set of armaments, but with a greater focus on ranged weaponry.  


De Guardia Feniché was established shortly after the first Crowningsday Games in 1 LE. The founders of the organization were participants in the Games who did not quite reach the final twenty rounds of the competition.

General Information

Type: Law Enforcement
Founded: 1 LE
Base: La Foliá
To keep the peace across the nation


Total Members: 4200 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:  


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of Isle d'Akti are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Greek and Italian words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by d'Aktians.


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