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Praetoran Army of Isle d'Akti

The Praetoran Army of Isle d'Akti is the official military of the Isle d'Akti, comprised of a large naval force and a slightly smaller terrestrial force.  


As of 126 LE, the Praetoran Army is jointly led by Praetor Marieta Markeida and Praetor Ospali Nicolau. Praetor Markeida commands the terrestrial forces, which have numbered anywhere between 10,000 and 12,000 across the history of the nation. Praetor Nicolau commands the naval forces, which has never fallen below 20,000 officers.   The terrestrial forces of the Praetoran Army are divided into two major categories: The Hoplites, who stand on the front lines, and the Saggitaris, who stand in the back lines as ranged fighters. Hoplites wear lightweight leather scale armor, weild large round shields called parma, long spears, and gladii (singular: gladius). Sagittaris weild longbows and wear bronze half-plate.   The marines of the Praetoran Army (called Epibatai) wear sparse amounts of armor, usually bronze breastplates with leather armguards and greaves. They carry talwar swords in addition to gladii and longbows. More importantly, they are trained in navigation, cannoneering, and ship-boarding tactics.   The station of an individual Praetoran soldier can be determined by the shade of their cloak. Hoplites wear a vermillion red, Sagittaris wear a verdant green, and Epibatai wear a deep indigo.  


Every citizen of Isle d'Akti is required to complete military training for six years, which begins shortly after their coming of age ceremony. The most successful trainees are offered permanent or semi-permanent positions in one of the two branches of the nation's military, usually one which fits their level of education. The more academically gifted trainees might be immediately promoted to higher ranks within the army, thanks to their demonstrated superiority in tactics and other militaristic skills.  


The First Crowningsday

When the Psionic Scourge were defeated at the end of the Discordant Rebellions, the mortals left behind in the lands which now form Isle d'Akti saw it necessary to find some way to determine who among them would prove the best leader. To do so, they established a gauntlet of physical and mental challenges which anyone could compete in. This would become known as the Crowningsday Games. The first Crowningsday led to the formation of many of Isle d'Akti's government organizations, including the Praetoran Army.

General Information

Type: Military
Founded: 1 LE
Defend Isle d'Akti from external threats.


Total Members: ~30,000 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:
  • Marieta Markeida
  • Ospali Nicolau


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of Isle d'Akti are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Greek and Italian words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by d'Aktians.


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