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The Gilded Crown

The Gilded Crown is the governing body of of the Kingdom of Coraway. It is comprised of four wealthy merchants related to the nation's original founders, and one tiebreaker randomly selected from among the populace.  


The Gilded Crown consists of four seats of power, each held by one of the wealthy Coin Lords of Coraway. They do not have individual roles or titles, but gather once a month to make decisions regarding the laws, economics, and other matters pertaining to the nation. Since the organization's founding, its members have come from the following four families:
  • House Khammar: A large family of humans and elves, who gained their wealth by providing weapons to the freedom fighters leading the Discordant Rebellions.
  • House Ai-Damora: An azarketi family known for being the (unofficial) rulers of Coraway's sea-based shipping economy.
  • House Lemaota: A family of mixed ancestry, whose founder and current head of house used their magical abilities to aid in the defeat of the Psionic Scourge.
  • House Ekizian: The only Corran house which has not grown in size since its founding. House Ekizian is by far the least involved in Coraway's politics, and rumors about its sole member abound.
In addition to the standard four seats of the Coin Lords, an official tiebreaker is sometimes selected from among the Corran populace via a random draw. This is rarely necessary, however.

Known Members

126 LE

  • Coin Lord Khadija Khammar
  • Coin Lord Ngaire Ai-Damora
  • Coin Lord Vai Lemaota
  • Coin Lord Anais Ekizian


The Discordant Rebellions

At the height of the Discordant Rebellions, when it began to look as though mortal-kind would be victorious in overthrowing their oppressors after all, a group of insightful and ambitious mortals in the lands now known as Coraway formed an alliance to secure their future fortunes. They dubbed themselves the Gilded Crown, and amassed vast amounts of wealth through their involvement in the rebellions, as adventurers, craftsmen, and merchants. So great was their wealth by the end of the Age of Eclipse, that the people of Coraway could only turn to them when it came time to build homes and businesses, and thus establish their new civilization. This is how the Gilded Crown became the rulers of Coraway, and it seems likely they will remain so forevermore.

General Information

Type: Governing Body
Founded: Sometime before 1 LE
Base: None
Govern the Kingdom of Coraway


Total Members: Four (sometimes five)
Notable Members:
  • Khadija Khammar
  • Ngaire Ai-Damora
  • Vai Lemaota
  • Anais Ekizian


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of the Kingdom of Coraway are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, and words from other Afroasiatic or romance language used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Corrans.


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