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Kingdom of Coraway

The Kingdom of Coraway, often referred to simply as Coraway, is one of the four nations on Eloqua. It is a coastal kingdom which was established at the start of the Age of New Light, after the defeat of the Psionic Scourge, and is ruled by its wealthiest members.



Ammestino Coast

The Ammestino Coast lies in the northern reach of Eloqua, beyond the Chaundethune Mountains. The entire coastline falls into the territory of the Kingdom of Coraway.

Chaundethune Mountians

The Chaundethune Mountains begin in the Damisman Tundra at the very tip of northern Eloqua and end where the Ammestino Coast bends inwards at the center of the continent. Travel over the mountains is trecherous, both due to the harsh weather and the flesh-hungry wildlife which call their jagged peaks home.

Montelaire Abyss

A large bay at the south-eastern end of the Ammestino Coast, Montelaire Abyss sits between Coraway and the city-states of Tor-Valice.


The Discordant Rebellions

The Discordant Rebellions were a centuries-long battle between the mortal people of Thesilae and the oppressive Psionic Scourge which enslaved them during the Age of Eclipse. As the rebellion ended and the final remnants of the scourge were either destroyed or exiled, nations were formed all across the planet, including the Kingdom of Coraway. This marked the start of the modern era: the Age of New Light.


Bits and bobs, card games, festivals, etc.


The Gilded Crown

At the height of the Discordant Rebellions, when it began to look as though mortal-kind would be victorious in overthrowing their oppressors after all, a group of insightful and ambitious mortals in the lands now known as Coraway formed an alliance to secure their future fortunes. They dubbed themselves the Gilded Crown, and amassed vast amounts of wealth through their involvement in the rebellions, as adventurers, craftsmen, and merchants. So great was their wealth by the end of the Age of Eclipse, that the people of Coraway could only turn to them when it came time to build homes and businesses, and thus establish their new civilization. To this day, the Gilded Crown are the rulers of Coraway, and it seems likely they will remain so forevermore.

Law Enforcement

Swords of Silver

Coraway's main guard unit, the Swords of Silver, are a mercenary group under the employ of the Gilded Crown. They operate primarily out of the capital city, Casmonte, but barely maintain a precense in the nation's less populated regions.


The Coraway Defense Force is a dual-branch military which protects the nation from non-magical threats originating on land or overseas. The Gilded Crown also hires magicians on the rare occasion that their expertise is needed to combat magical threats to national security.

General Information

Full Name: Kingdom of Coraway
Also Known As: Coraway
Type: Plutocracy
Established: 1 LE
Head of State: The Gilded Crown
Military: Coraway Defense Force

Location Information

Plane: The Material Plane
Continent: Eloqua
Capital: Casmonte

Societal Information

Demonym: Corran
Population: 544,239 (as of 126 LE)

Note: The titles and names of the Kingdom of Coraway are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, and words from other Afroasiatic or romance language used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Corrans.

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