Taifar Wildore Organization in Thesslia | World Anvil

Taifar Wildore


While the College truly rules the lands, a distinct line is drawn between wielders and artisans.


  • Now Idrissa's legacy lives on in the College of Wildore, a place where those with artisan learning abilities go to be taught. This is the ultimate council of the Wildore clan.
  • Those who are not accepted are sent to the mines, where their natural wielding abilities will be honed and praised.


  • Essence knowledge
  • Better wielders
  • Main iron mine
  • More artisans than anyone else
  • College for other clans too


  • Legend says Idrissa Wildore, a skilled arcane wielder, frequently berated for using such a brash and uncontrollable force to mine and complete tasks, used her skill to kill the colossus ultimately.
  • Now her legacy lives on in the College of Wildore, a place where those with artisan learning abilities go to be taught. This is the ultimate council of the Wildore clan.
  • Those who are not accepted are sent to the mines, where their natural wielding abilities will be honed and praised.
  • Had the Itor Prim’Motor “War of the First Lost” with Taifar Mactos. A magic war between Wildore and Mactos against those that went insane. Wildore only won the fight when Saxum intervened. While no longer ongoing physically, they still carry philosophical differences on the use of magic.

"The Impossible Remains Possible..."

Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
"The Arcane" or "Clan Seven"
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Parent Organization
Official Languages
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