Amoeba Sphere

A very large single cellular organism resembling a sphere.   Amoeba Spheres are the harkaras equivalent of a Dyson Sphere. By seeding a star with a specific, very large, seed (it is placed in orbit), it will quickly grow as it accumulates energy from the star, turning into a ringworld before growing into a full sphere from there. It requires nutrients to do this though - so a large amount of Astromoeba must also be present in the star for an amoeba sphere to grow. The earlier versions of this engineered lifeform didnt have such advanced heatsinks as current ones. They did not have QEN technology at the time, so they were forced to find other methods to dissipate heat. This would come in the form of a symbiotic, engienered organism that would transport a lot of heat from various locations of the sphere before radiating it and returning. After joining the Hyperion Federation, the Unified Arkan Council didn't delay in upgrading their amoeba spheres with new QEN engineered organisms.   Initially, these kinds of Dyson Spheres were designed to provide a huge amount of food to many Harkas bioships and other engineered organisms, as well as the harkas themselves rather than provide electrical energy. By using an alien, more efficient form of ATP, they can store a lot of energy within the sphere itself as well. However, the HF has also improved the efficiency of these proceses massively, and the harkas becamke skilled at manipulating antimatter. By using a similar state of matter as Hardlight, they can improve the energy storage of ATP by several orders of magnitude as well as provide antimatter fuel to their bioships - or even non-bioship Hyperion Federation starships when required, giving them an immense use for the Hyperion Federation.   Notably, as they can reproduce naturally, very little work is required to build an Amoeba Sphere - as opposed to a mechanical Dyson sphere. The former tends to be less energy efficient and requires much more time to grow than the mechanical Dyson sphere however. After being fully grown, Amoeba Spheres can produce seeds and take stellar plasma directly from the star - providing the UAC with an easy way to spread the populations of both the Astromoeba and amoeba spheres, simply by deploying the seeds or astromoeba.
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