
A sentient species whose home system is located in the Beta Targos System.   The Harkas race was engineered by the Cyber Sphere planet, called Binary Targos in the Beta Targos System, which sent machines to space to engineer the Harkas race. As such, the began as an entirely spaceborne species, having evolved divergently as they landed on all the planets, managing to adapt to various extreme conditions. As they are an asexual species, it is difficult to define when they diverge into different species so they all consider themselves as the same species in most cases.    


The Harkas are quite distinguishable from other sentient species. The most obvious feature are the large, wing-like radiators which dissipate most of the heat produced by the body. They can extend and retract this as needed to cool down or heat up, respectively. Harkas are significantly wider than they are long. The radiator-wing takes up a large amount of room, and their tails are relatively short. An exception is made in some subspecies, as they can evolve into wings, fins or even blankets for some subspecies.   Tails
At the end of each tail is a propulsion organ which, in Midworldians, is performed by a highly powerful bioluminescent, symbiotic bacteria. The tails allow them to steer the power in any direction and to rotate. However, Outerworldians and Innerworldians use a different method for propulsion. Each tail is capable of turning independently, allowing one to apply multiple forces in different directions at once and allowing better control of thrust. This style of propulsion is not nesessary on planets, so harkas tails are typically largely vestigal for planetary subspecies.   Arms
Harkas also have 2 relatively humanlike (if long) arms located on the sides of their body. Their movement has been largely restricted by the radiators behind them though, so they can only rotate in any direction towards their front.   Due to space not having any atmosphere, the spaceborne subspecies have no ears and cannot detect sound. Also, most harkas subspecies have no lungs and thus cannot breathe, but are designed to not require breating. A few planetary subspecies have developed respiration processes as they are more efficient. They have a relatively large head on the end of a slightly longer, more posable neck.  


They also have a very weak hivemind. This only links individuals that are close, but they can pull others into the hivemind. Before they do this they need ot become familiar with the target species' brain patterns and connections. They can not take control of others bodies or thoughts, but can induce thoughts into a person. This is more effective between members of their own species, but they can communicate to others, such as Freelancers, Troznux, or humans for example. Aside from body language, this is the only way they have to communicate to one another, but it works at larger distances between different hivemind-tuned Harkas. They also use this subconsciousally to show other nearby people their emotions, allowing them to easily identify how a harkas feels. They also often express emotion using their radiators. For example, when sad they might extend them slightly at a much lower elevation than normal. If surprised they might rapidly extend it to its full size.  


Unlike most sentient species, the Harkas have not developed technology. Instead, they have become extremely proficient bioengineers, having engineered a large number of species that helped them expand across the stars and eventually become a Kardashev type III civilization. They also managed to destroy every technological civilization in the Arkan galaxy for this. They developed this route of 'alternative technology' because it is a much easier path go do down for them. This is due to a specialised 'gene splicing' gland on them, oweing to their engineered nature as a species, which helps them significantly to engineer new lifeforms. As their understanding of this gland improved over time, so did their bioengineering.  


Some adventerous individuals decided to explore regions closer / further from the parent star, having to evolve for the different conditions. Those communities that got closer (known as Innerworldians) have evolved higher body temperatures and radiators became less effective as they would also recieve sunlight from the star, so the radiators became larger. Those who ventured further from the star (known as Outerworldians) evolved to survive off less energy, forming more efficient digestive systems and smaller radiators.   Many subspecies have also developed to inhabit planets or other celestial bodies in the system. For example, the Jyarans and Panagians.   The latter of these would mean that evolving for life on the ice giant Zarbarax would be incredibly difficult, as the small radiator would need to turn into a large wing to survive there. Eventually, they managed it, but this planet would be the last world in the system to obtain life. Those who remained within the habitable radius make up most of the harkas population and are known as Midworldians. Some subspecies cannot detect sound or breathe, including a number of planetary populations. This is mainly due to them evolving from the spaceborne Harkas initially.

Newborn harkas are typically very small. This allows a person to produce them relatively easily, but can reduce newborn individuals chances of survival. After birth, it takes about 15 years to fully develop and become mature enough to produce their own offspring. It is tradition to prove that one has become an adult by piloting a bioship for the first time. This can be a difficult process that requires a fully developed brain to extend the harkas hivemind to the bioship and allow them to communicate.
Average Length
100mm - 30 m (depends on subspecies)
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