Antimatter Bolter Rifle

An extremely powerful, though highly unethical, small arms fire weapon banned by the Hyperion Ethics Committee.   Antimatter Bolters have been used by the Rih'kiel Prime. They have been a large contribution to the Rih'kiel calamity, and a significant reason why Raria is uninhabitable now.   When the Rih'kiel race joined the Hyperion Federation, the latter learned much about the dangers of technology. The HF already had an ethics committee at that point, though the Rih'kiel demonstrated just how easy it was to cause an extinction event of immense scale.   Antimatter Bolter Rifles, though extremely powerful, are surprisingly simple, if advanced. They work by containing small amounts of antimatter inside bolts of Hardlight which break apart on contact with enemy armour. This results in the antimatter annihilating, giving the weapon its immense destructive powers. They allow one person to wield very high wield superweapons. The hardest part about constructing these weapons is the hardlight requirement, and then they must be filled with antimatter which is surprisingly easy for a spacefaring race.Though the HF does have access to them, they have never used them. It is entirely possible they could make use of them, though, if the other factions make their extinction a very real possiblity.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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