Balkara - Class Battleship

A class of massive bioship grown/built by the Harkas species, and used by the Hyperion Federation.   The Balkara - class took a lot of inspiration from the Hypertriton - Class Battleship. As such, it focused primarily on extreme firepower, and was incredibly well armoured and shielded to add a powerful force to any invasion (or defensive) force they are deployed with. However, they too rely on a screen of lighter ships to make any meaningful impact on a battle and as such could not be expected to single handedly bring an entire battle to its knees. The Balkara, much like the Hypertriton, fields a huge battery of quark-gluon plasma cannons, each one far more powerful than one of the Annihilator Plasma Cannons - but fewer in number, so that both sips matched roughly in firepower.   Like most bioships in general, however, they are less common than the Hypertriton - Class Battleship, as the Balkara is constructed purely by the Unified Arkan Council, but the Hyertriton is constructed by most other star nations of the HF. As such, its track record is smaller, but almost just as impressive as that of the Hypertriton, so these bioships are seen as relatively equal to the HF battleship by most people. It also featured a large crew compartment in the center of the bioship. This area had a strong carapace and armour of its own, protecting the crew from any weapon that does manage to penetrate the very strong armour and shield of the exterior carapace.   The bioship also has multiple antimatter annihilation organs for redundancy in case one falls. The Harkas that designed this bioship have taken many measures with similar organs - such as multiple brains and hearts.
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