Battle of EN-482

Border skirmish between the Hyperion Federation and HEX Mainframe. The first battle the two entites fought that is not their first contact.   During the entire event, the 2 factions were in a constant race for what could adapt first - the TGX Composite of the HF or the Omnicannons of the HM. The HF made lots of use of Subspatial Starships. They could be used to hit enemy forces while being simultaneously hard to detect. The HM can find Subspatial Starships, they also have Subs of their own. Arbalest - Class Subspatial Starships were commonly used for flanking due to their high speed and Subspatial Starship nature.   As the HF didn't know much about the HM at the time, they attempted the Thunder Doctrine, involving heavy use of Thunder Cannons and Positron Cannons used in combination. They soon found out, though, that HM armour adapts - even better than TGX Composite. The doctrine was too predictable, and the HM made use of its exceptional pattern recognition.   The HF did manage to destroy most of the HM forces though. The Thunder Cannons proved quite powerful against their nanobot armour, the very high voltages frying electronics.

The Conflict


Some of the starship crews of the HF are assimilated into the HM. No one made it out alive.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
Phyrric HM Victory


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