Battle of Harurn

A battle between Alti Dominion and Republic of Miasi in the Harurn system during 43924. The Alti launched an attack on this poorly defended Miasi star system. As Alti forces are slower than Miasi forces, they of course exploited this. Rapidly launching strikes at the enemy and performing evasive manuevers. The Alti starships could still hit them, if less effectively. Their weapons have very high fire rates and their ships well armoured. Although the Alti forces had a significant numbers advantage due to catching the Miasi by surprise, the Miasi ships managed to destroy a lot of enemy ships. They got a kill ratio of approximately 1:2 in their favor. This ended with a phyrric Alti victory, driving the Miasi out of the system.

The Conflict


Alti gains control of the Harurn system. Both sides suffer heavy casulties. Miasi sufferes fewer casulties.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


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