Alti Dominion

Your typical dystopian empire that is hellbent on conquest. They have a unique technology called Time Dilation Devices(TDD) allowing them to dilate time for their own weapons which makes them appear to have a much higher fire rate to an outside observer, and remain accurate. Even their railguns have a very high fire rate, comparable to chainguns from other factions. Of course, Alti chainguns have a much faster fire rate still. Alti starships are slow for their weight class, but can take many hits. And as one of the superpowers of the Arcturus galaxy, they have advanced technology, comparable to the Republic of Miasi. The Alti Dominion is at war with the Miasi and Hyperion Federation. The Alti-Omado front is the single most contested area of the galaxy, being only 20 star systems wide and positioned near the center of the galaxy. There is also a Precursor Dyson Sphere, sitting right in the middle of no mans land.

Technological Level

Power Generation (Starships) - High Power Fusion Reactors Power Generation (Planets) - High Power Fusion Reactors Propulsion (Starships) - High Power Ion Thruster Weapons (Starships) - Rapid Fire Railguns, Cannons, Chainguns Weapons (Planets, Vehicles) - Rapid Fire Railguns, Cannons, Chainguns Weapons (Planets, Small Arms) - Rapid Fire Railguns Armour - Heavy Metal Composite Communication - Radio + Courier Ship (FTL communication) Sensors - Sublight Sensors Only Subspatial Starship: True


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