
Cold planet in the Udawnis System.   Bflalna is a large world, with a powerful gravitational field. It also has a measure of valuable metals within its crust which can be mined. These are often mined by the Sulethis Republic, which owns the planet. The world also sees very few geological events, which makes it relatively safe to mine on (if not for the supercooled atmosphere).   The planet does have a core that is slowly losing energy. The core gives the world a magnetosphere which contains the planets atmosphere inside it. The Tranal Nomads used to own the world, but gave it to the SR as part of a deal. This deal allows them to set foot on the world (even though the TN never actually set foot on worlds as any gravity would immediately crush their bodies) Still, the SR did set up habitats on the world to make it easier to mine. They also have several mining stations that are specialized to extract metal from the core, which is very large and contains a lot of metals.
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