
A large and very hot, rocky planet in the Udawnis System.   Lknavraln is located at an extremely short radius form the parent star and as such is largely comprised of lava and magma. Due to this, it has few solid surfaces that one can land on, but this doesnt stop the Sulethis Republic from establishing magma collection rigs that filter out valuable metal ore from the magma and pump the magma back out of the facilities. The left over ores are then refined (which is much easier to do on extremely hot worlds such as this) and transported to orbit via mining shuttle. Material is collected at several silo stations in orbit, from which large logistics vessels obtain material from and distribute it to various locations within SR territory.   Lknavraln is also large and has a high gravity. This makes the world even richer in valuable metal ores, and almost all of the periodic table are commonly found in the magma. Common metals, rare metals and radioactive metals are all commonly found. Due to all this, the world is extremely valuable to the SR. It was also valuable to the Tranal Nomads, who do not inhabit planets.   These rigs of course must be able to withstand the extremely high temperatures of the world. This is why they are constructed of a very heat resistant metal discovered through advanced materials science. The planet is also well defended. Obviously, it is impossible to mount a ground assault and any naval warships would have to be designed for the environment. The mining rigs are armed, but other than that the SR didnt build much capability to launch their own lava warships. The world does however have a large number of defence platforms orbiting it, all of which are designed to be able to fire at small surface targets using large railguns. The platforms also fire large railguns for anti starship purposes.
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