Brawawa Insect

A species of large, approximately half-meter tall insects that evolved to kill and eat larger creatures. Native to Tebburus.   The Brawawa rely primarily on sheer speed and the sharpness of their attacking claws to attack large prey. They are sometimes capable of dismembering them due to sheer strength. Their light build means that they are highly vulnerable to being hit themselves so they evolved a very fast speed to avoid getting hit. They have significant bioluminescence however, which can alert prey to their location and rapid approach. The insects themselves have evolved methods to try and hide the bioluminescence, but not to any massive degree of success. There have been cases of them attacking Suons, and many of these attacks suceed.They are thus a priority target by the Wildlife Defence Agency.   They typically live in the underground where they can ambush prey more easily so they have evolved multiple methods to survive better underground.They reproduce asexually. Over the span of their life, they will grow many eggs which are all stored within the body. When it dies, the eggs hatch. The many newborn insects would eat the parrents body from the inside and attempt to survive with little guidance or help. Although about 50 would typically hatch each time, only 2-3 would typically make it past this stage.


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