Wildlife Defence Agency WDA

There are many megafauna lifeforms on Tebburus, large enough to kill sentient people. To address this issue, the many nations of Tebburus (During the Unification War) agreed to found a new organization designed to protect people from megafauna and other biological entities. Anyone visiting or living in Tebburus are educated about the dangerous wildlife and how the WDA was set up to protect them from it. It is well known in Tebburus' cultures that it is a bad idea to deny orders from the WDA. The WDA operates armed soldiers known as agents. Agents are most commonly deployed in large groups as that allows them to bring more firepower and a variety of tools for every job. Despite the extremely dangerous nature of the Tebburus ecosystem, groups of WDA agents are well trained and able to survive for very prolonged periods of time relatively easily. They just need to remember their training and trust each other.


The WDA owns many weapon systems across the globe. They typically prefer to use nonlethal methods to repel megafauna as to not damage the environment, but they have turrets set up everywhere with even a small chance of being attacked.  To keep the people safe from smaller threats such as deadly insects and viruses, they also own a lot of medical equipment. All WDA assets must be clearly marked with the symbol of the WDA along with a tag that reads 'ASSET OF WDA'. WDA agents are always exceptionally well trained and experienced or accompanied by experienced agents.
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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