Entropy Ward

A highly advanced precursor technology that has been widely used by all precursor factions (such as the Xadia Ancients, Rikavi Ancients, Progenitors.   Entropy Wards are small machines which can completely nullify all entropy that attempts to come into a system. This technology is reminiscent of a Quantum Entropy Neutralizer, except much faster-acting and can project its effect into a large area. Entropy Wards can also largely increase the strength of a material under this effect as well, and require no energy to keep operational (the entire process is 100% efficient). These machines can explain the immense resistance of archaeotech to entropy to the point where it still works perfectly all the way through the billion-year Dark Age.   Entropy Wards are a highly mysterious technology even to the Hyperion Federation, so they have not been able to utilize them even on the Sovereign Light - Class Advanced Cruiser. It is entirely possible that they pause time entirely for any objects under its influence, in which cause using it on a starship would make it useless. This has not stopped the HF media from claiming that scientists have managed to use them, despite many objections from the Hyperion Science Association and actual scientists. Entropy wards have a much worse usecase in the area of biological organisms though, as some laws of biology rely on entropy.

Social Impact

Entropy Wards have had large impacts on most precursor societies. They allowed one to use technologies from entire generations ago, completely preventing ageing and corrosion, and even allowing projects such as the Pyre of Stars and Eternity Gate (the former of which literally created a civilization). They have a lower impact on modern factions due to the extreme lack of understanding, but have at least shown that such a thing is possible to engineer.


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