Faglur Bird

A large, megafauna scale species of bird native to Tebburus.   Faglurs are surprisingly easy to tame for Suon. They have been used to travel rapidly between floating islands, being large enough to carry multiple suons or large goods. They have also formed a double edged sword in suon society. They are highly unsafe to keep and tame because they can easily eat suons. Some nations and tribes banned them.   These can easily achieve high velocity when gliding through the air. Their wings are designed to be capable of having a very powerful forawrds force. Despite their immense weight, they can fly easily due to the use of Aetherium in its body. This produces a powerful up force that coutners most of the weight. As a result, their diet includes aetherium crystal.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Faglurs reproduce by laying large clusters of eggs.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Faglurs also have large eyes that can zoom on a distant object to a limited degree. They can also sense the magnetic field of the planet, giving them a powerful navigational tool. Additionally, they can hear their surroundings, though their hearing is much better at short distances. This allows them to constantly know their surroundings. Faglurs can also touch feel.
Geographic Distribution


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