Jakirno Incident

The Jakirno Incident was the name given to one event where a submarine has collapsed under the intense water pressure above the Jakirno forest, Tebburus, causing the crew to drown as there was a lack of Water Suons.   This submarine was relatively large. Constructed by the Jeskuar nation to fight other nations for control of the large ocean the Jakirno kelp forest was located in, it has seen action in several battles. The sinking incident happened while it was returning to its base from a battle near the kelp forest. It was hit by some very light depth charges designed to kill organisms underwater (such as Water Suon infantry). Although these did not destroy the submarine, it damaged it, leading to the sinking. None of the crew survived because they were given little notice before the hull depressurised. This was close to the main lifeboat launchers, preventing escape.   As the lifeless wreckage sank into the kelp forest, it was noticed by several water suons living in the area below. They did not risk moving out of the kelp forest due to the megafauna risk, but investigated it when it landed entirely inside the forest and hidden. They managed to find most of this information and returned the dead crew to the Jeskuar nation. This has caused some nations to further reinforce the hulls of their submarines to better counter these light depth charges, an endeavour that has proven quite effective. This incident thus became quite culturally important to the modern United Nations of Tebburus, most of the population on Tebburus knowing of the accident. They have a day dadicated to this, but it is not a public holiday.


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