Klarvranel Gas Collector Beta

A very large gas giant collector orbiting Klarvranel, in the Udawnis System.   The Beta collector was constructed by the Sulethis Republic, and is so large that it eclipses the output of some entire planets! Using a very large bank of fusion reactors, it can synthesise both enough energy for it to function and various metals with transmutation. The entire station, in fact, is several space elevator platforms all connected to a large ring world that goes around the equator of the gas giant. By spinning, it can remain stable and although the space elevators themselves can be under stress from atmospheric resistance, they are all constructed of vary advanced and strong materials. The ring world also has several fusion thrusters mounted to its exterior allowing it to recover rotational momentum lost this way.   As the station is very important to the SR, they also built defence platforms orbiting the planet. The ring world itself also has a large number of weapons on its sides which allow it to engage enemies form virtually any angle with an extreme amount of firepower, and from long range. It could theoretically survive being blockaded for thousands of years as the ring world produces its own supplies and is able to repair itself under these supplies.
Orbital, Halo / Ringworld
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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