Lambda Raltais Super Fortress

Massive defence platform constructed by the Saelian Coalition to defend Lambda Raltais A IV.   The station orbits this planet in a very high trajectory. This is to make the planet easier to access and leave via spacecraft, the very lowest orbits are restricted to prevent collisions in space. The super fortress itself has some incredibly large armaments in turrets, capable of targeting and destroying even super heavy starships with a range of many AU. Like most defence platforms, it also has a shipyard from which it can launch starships from, improving the effective range of the station's defences and to put pressure on an enemy even when they are very far away.   The station also comes equipped with a large ewar suite, including equipment such as communications interceptors, radar jammers and softkill measures.It also has a huge number of Photon Cannon CIWS and Sarissa CIWS, as a hardkill method to destroy incoming missiles. These can also destroy enemy fighters.   Unlike some stranger stations of the saelian coalition at the time, the Super Fortress was not designed to resemble a large disc. It is highly complex in its construction, but was capable of launching flying discs from multiple hangar points. This was until the Suon - Saelian war, where the suons eventually captured it and upgraded it with United Nations of Tebburus technology. The station also houses a small population permanently, but can be quickly retrofitted to house a larger population that can keep the station operational constantly when there is possibility of battle. Most of the time, however, it is in its smaller population state.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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