Lambda Ralatais A IV

Planet in the Lambda Raltais System, orbiting the class G star (Lambda Ralatais A).   The planet is very close to the habitable radius, but has not evolved any life. The Saelian Coalition was running a terraforming operation when the United Nations of Tebburus invaded the system, but they had to put that operation on suspension for the duration of the war. The Coalition wasn't a very powerful nation at the time, and didnt have excellent terraforming technology, so they didnt get far despite the almost viable conditions.   This would not be resumed until well after the war, shortly before the founding of the Hyperion Federation. Neither side could spare the resources for it. Now, however, it orbits its star as a very habitable planet, perfect for Saelian life. They had to make the planet warmer to support life, which they have done through giving it a thicker upper atmosphere which keeps heat inside the planet better. Now, the planet holds a large population of several billion and its own unique culture, one that remembers the lives lost in the war. They have built a number of war museums, not only dedicated to the suon-saelian war, but also the unification war and many other wars fought by various Hyperion Federation nations (or the HF itself).
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