Marakas I Core Miner

A pocket megastructure located on the eternal night side of Marakas I.   The structure is constructed to extract a large amount of metal material from the core of the planet which is comprised largely of metal. An additional advantage of core mining over conventional mining was that core material is already almost refined and usable, just requiring seperation into various elements.   However such an operation, especially on a planet like this, is highly dangerous due to the extreme temperatures of the surface, especially the mantle. Although the night side is colder, even that remains very hot due to deep planetary magma flow. Modern Hyperion Science Association HSA structures can easily withstand this due to the use of QEN technology.   This structure specifically also features a space elevator tethered near the centre of this megastructure. This space elevator had to be constructed at a very high altitude because of the low spin rate of the planet. This meant that it requires more energy and time to deploy a payload into orbit. This made logistics comparatively difficult.   This space elevator has been made largely obsolete when the Teleporter was invented. The latter of these technologies would make transportation far more easy and rapid. This space elevator was constructed by the saelians who did not have teleporter technology. Despite having mined a large amount of material through it history, the core of the planet still has a large amount of metallic materials to exploit.
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