Marakas I

Hot planet located in the Marakas system, which is owned by the Saelian Coalition  Marakas I is tidally locked to the star, so one side is extremely hot and the other is colder (but still too hot to be habitable). This has caused large portions of the surface to be filled with lava despite the spectral class M nature of the star. This has brought a large amount of valuable metal ores to the surface, making it quite valuable despite the dangers involved.   The tidal locking has given the planet a secondary use, collecting solar energy. This close to the star, solar panels can collect a lot of heat energy. They are also constantly active as they always face the star so they are often used as a backup power source because in these conditions they can rival if not surpass ZPE in energy potential. With the advanced technology of the HF, these solar panels are also close to 100% efficient. During the Suon - Saelian war, this world was sought over because of the sheer amount of materials available.
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Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: Atmospheric Frigate Top by Tankium


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