Maurayan Mass Shifts Physical / Metaphysical Law in THF Universe | World Anvil

Maurayan Mass Shifts

Large and powerful 'natural' disasters that can happen with virtually no warning but only on planet Mauray.   Murray is largely comprised of large mechanisms and rock. Sometimes when the mechanisms move, often randomly, it can cause immense disturbances to the land above. This can have many effects such as continental shift, mountains moving, volcanoes forming, massive trenches forming from nowhere and, perhaps the worst, complete destruction of land. In rare cases entire continents can shift into massive grinders. Mass shifts can vary massively and sometimes even result in continental creation.   Sometimes Magic may become involved. Mass shifts can cause massive walls of fire, energy shields or sometimes even create life on otherwise desolate locations. It can also involve Taidakic Fields and Aetherium and result in floating island creation.   The cultural perception of Mass Shifts typically lie on extreme terror that no one is ever safe. However, it is notable that Mass Shifts are very rare; if they were not life would be impossible on such a world. So in reality, it is actually quite rare to hear of a town getting demolished under a Mass Shift. They have been known to be utilized by some clever factions though; some Maurayan megastructures have contraptions, and some of those can be triggered by the inhabitants. This way, an individual has the power to cause Mass Shifts, for example, beginning a massive gear mechanism or sending terrain to higher heights.    They can also happen quite slowly. Sometimes entire battles can take place in a mass-shifting structure or biome. This can lead to battles with constantly changing environments and high stakes (the defeated side usually ends up in the mass-shift itself and killed by the planet).


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