Ouxlar Character in THF Universe | World Anvil


A Suon who was born on Paragon.   Ouxlar had a largely neglecting parent which allowed him to become pured by Purity of the Stars propaganda and eventually join the PotS itself. As time went on, Ouxlar became experienced as an officer. Several thousand years later after his recruitment, the PotS would build an entirely new body for him, a Sentient Robot. By copying his neural patterns exactly, his consciousness and soul were moved to the new robotic body. He still goes by his organic name.   For self defence, Ouxlar was built with a number of weapons mounted in his body. However, the most notable feature of this new body is that his consciousness was duplicated as 'copies', or backups, in a large PotS server. As long as this server and Ouxlar is not destroyed simultaneously, he can always be rebuilt. In fact, Ouxlar has been killed 23 times by the year 44 000, mostly by Hyperion Federation forces, but has been known to lead attacks against other factions such as the Cypher Dominion and HEX Mainframe (he would have died in many of these too). This way, Ouxlar is not only semi-immortal, but truly immortal, a trait extremely rarely seen in the Fortrais Galaxy Cluster. This makes him a formidible enemy for the HF.   Obviously, this goes heavily against the Hyperion Ethics Committee. The HF military would not allow any posthumanism. It has been made a small tradition that every time he dies, the number tag on his foot increments by one. Currently, he is effectively on his 24th life, so this shows the number 24, written in suon common. Ouxlar physically cannot feel trauma. Whenever that emotion is detected, his brain immediately and automatically shuts that off. He is able to recite details about recent (or otherwise) battles though.
Year of Birth
20628 AU 23372 Years old
Current Residence
Some PotS Worldship
Aligned Organization


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